Current 3.7 release. Small thing, but happened to notice a couple
missing back slashes in the debug statements at the bottom of the
example code in section
--------------------------- Functions and Macros
You can pass functions to macros, how to do this is best explained by an
#macro Foo( Bar, X )
#declare Y = Bar(X);
#declare Z = Bar(Y);
#declare FUNC=function(n){n+2}
Foo(FUNC, 1)
#debug str(Y,5,5)
#debug "n"
#debug str(Z,5,5)
#debug "n"
Those two '#debug "n"' lines should I believe read '#debug "\n"'.
Bill P.
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On 06/22/2014 11:20 AM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Current 3.7 release. Small thing, but happened to notice a couple
> missing back slashes in the debug statements at the bottom of the
> example code in section
> ---------------------------
> Functions and Macros
> ...
> You can pass functions to macros, how to do this is best explained by an
> example:
> #macro Foo( Bar, X )
> #declare Y = Bar(X);
> #declare Z = Bar(Y);
> #end
> #declare FUNC=function(n){n+2}
> Foo(FUNC, 1)
> #debug str(Y,5,5)
> #debug "n"
> #debug str(Z,5,5)
> #debug "n"
> ----------------------------
> Those two '#debug "n"' lines should I believe read '#debug "\n"'.
> Bill P.
good eye ... fixed
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