POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone? : Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone? Server Time
10 Oct 2024 04:14:48 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Version 3.8: Input_File_Name - where has it gone?  
From: jr
Date: 16 Dec 2019 10:00:04
Message: <web.5df79b02cce2d5d8c662f470@news.povray.org>

"greytery" <gre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> ...
> Yep. I 'fixed' the renaming issue for these OLD models with a "renamed.mac"
> file, which contains about 120 lines like :
>     #macro f_block1_12(color_tex,age) plate1x12(color_tex,age) #end
> Then in each of the OLD .pov files, #include "renamed.mac", and it flies.


> The color issues - at the moment I've edited the NEW material.lib to contain the
> OLD colors / textures, but it would be better to include the missing colors in
> the "renamed.mac" file.
> Another problem is with material_map. I found I had to remove 'interpolate 4'
> from these OLD macros, otherwise the transfers are smudged.

thanks for info.

> If you want I can post that .mac file here, but I think we should get Anton
> involved because the files all have his Copyright.

good idea.  I've not seen an email address in the files yet, so, if you have it,
perhaps he can be persuaded to join in, here?

> > > got to dash - UK election news starts in 5 mins - will be up all night!
> > was it .. worth it?  ;-)
> Don't like watching grown men cry.  But it takes all the satisfaction out of
> Voting if you have to hold your nose and keep your eyes shut when you put your
> cross in the box.

like DB, I was surprised by the scale, 365 seats!  (incredible..)  alas, that
post appears to have .. disappeared.

regards, jr.

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