POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Start column and end column (+SC and +EC options) Server Time
15 Oct 2024 04:59:43 EDT (-0400)
  Start column and end column (+SC and +EC options) (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: dTal
Subject: Start column and end column (+SC and +EC options)
Date: 15 Oct 2017 13:50:00
Message: <web.59e39f976c05b6c09840ede20@news.povray.org>
It's not really a serious bug, but it's definitely odd behaviour...

When Start_Column and End_Column are equal, the setting is ignored and the
entire row is rendered instead of just the specified column.

Note that this is inconsistent with Start_Row and End_Row, where setting SR
equal to ER results in only that row being rendered, as expected.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Start column and end column (+SC and +EC options)
Date: 16 Oct 2017 13:22:17
Message: <59e4eac9$1@news.povray.org>
Am 15.10.2017 um 19:49 schrieb dTal:
> It's not really a serious bug, but it's definitely odd behaviour...
> When Start_Column and End_Column are equal, the setting is ignored and the
> entire row is rendered instead of just the specified column.
> Note that this is inconsistent with Start_Row and End_Row, where setting SR
> equal to ER results in only that row being rendered, as expected.

Can't confirm. Can you please give an example? Also, what version of
POV-Ray are you using (please be as specific as possible)?

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