POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : shadows don't honor image_map alpha channel Server Time
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  shadows don't honor image_map alpha channel (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: clipka
Subject: shadows don't honor image_map alpha channel
Date: 5 May 2009 19:00:01
Message: <web.4a00c3eb2b1505395dd6915e0@news.povray.org>
When image_map'ing a PNG texture with alpha channel to a surface, that surface
still casts a fully opaque shadow.

See <web.4a00bbfb2b1505395dd6915e0@news.povray.org> for a sample shot; it shows
a semi-transparent PNG image of a leaf, UV-mapped to a mesh2 square floating
above a grey plane, with light from straight above.

As can be seen, the shadow doesn't match the shape of the leaf.

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From: Ive
Subject: Re: shadows don't honor image_map alpha channel
Date: 6 May 2009 04:24:27
Message: <4a01493b$1@news.povray.org>
clipka wrote:
> When image_map'ing a PNG texture with alpha channel to a surface, that surface
> still casts a fully opaque shadow.
> See <web.4a00bbfb2b1505395dd6915e0@news.povray.org> for a sample shot; it shows
> a semi-transparent PNG image of a leaf, UV-mapped to a mesh2 square floating
> above a grey plane, with light from straight above.
> As can be seen, the shadow doesn't match the shape of the leaf.

There is definitely something going wrong with the alpha/transparency
handling in 3.7 beta...  see the p.b.i reply to your post.


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