POVRay Version=3.6
OS=Windows XP Pro SP3
PC=HP nx9420.
CPU=Intel T2400, 1.83 GHz.
I'm trying to model and render a lightbulb.
I have an isosurface and a sphere. Each renders fine on it's own, but if I
bring the sphere close enough, POVRay crashes. I've expanded the texture and
finish of the isosurface, and found that if I remark out the reflection, the
render completes.
Is there a workaround for enabling reflection?
Here's my scene, in part:
isosurface {
function { sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(z,2)+2*cos(2*pi*5*(y-6)/12+atan2(x,z)))}
contained_by { box { <-20,6,-20>, <20,18,20> } }
threshold 5 //threshold should be max radius
//surface appears when function = threshold
texture {
pigment { rgb <0.70, 0.56, 0.37> }
finish {
ambient 0.1
diffuse 0.65
specular 0.85
roughness 0.01
// reflection 0.45
brilliance 1.5
} // end finish
} //end texture
} //end isosurface
sphere {<0,18+6,0>,12.7/2
pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,0.7>}
// camera
location <0, 0, -100> //move away from wall.
rotate <35,45,0> //rotate camera relative to look_at point
elev=35, azim=45.
look_at <0, 6.4, 0>
right <1.6,0,0> // use left hand coord system (x is positive)
background { color red 0.196078 green 0.6 blue 0.8 }
// scene lighting
light_source {<-300, 400, -500> color <1,1,1>}
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"ve3wtj" <ve3### [at] racca> wrote:
> I have an isosurface and a sphere. Each renders fine on it's own, but if I
> bring the sphere close enough, POVRay crashes. I've expanded the texture and
> finish of the isosurface, and found that if I remark out the reflection, the
> render completes.
Just one quick thought: Do you have histogram output enabled? If so, try
without. I had crashes a while ago that looked like scene complexity issues but
finally turned out to be related to this feature.
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