The inside() test for linear_sweep prisms appears to be problematic,
potentially creating artifacts in difference or intersection CSG if
other participating objects have surfaces coinciding with one of the
prism edged:
camera {
right -x
up y*image_height/image_width
location <-24,19,12>
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source { <100,200,100> color rgb 1 }
plane { y, -2 pigment { color rgb 1 } }
#declare KeyValue = 1.366; // pick any you like
difference {
prism {
linear_sweep -0.5,0.5, 4
intersection {
cylinder { <-7,-0.51,1>, <-7, 0.51,1>, 4.0 }
plane { z, KeyValue }
pigment { color rgb 0.5 }
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