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In Povray 3.6 on Linux, using the fisheye camera, turning on an alpha
channel for png output and turning on antialiasing causes artifacting.
In a scene with a fisheye camera, the command:
povray +UA <fisheye scene>.pov
correctly renders the image with the area outside the camera view
transparent. However, if you add antialiasing:
povray +UA +A0.1 <fisheye scene>.pov
artifacting occurs in the (normally transparent) area outside the camera
at places where objects in the scene touch the edge of the render.
Specifically, where objects touch the bottom edge of the scene, all the
pixels below or to the right of the object will render as translucent black.
Here's a trivial scene which can trigger the bug:
include "colors.inc"
camera {
location <-2, 2, -2>
look_at <0, 02, 0>
light_source { <10, 10, 10> color White }
plane {
<0, 1, 0>, 0
pigment {color rgb 1}
- --
William Tracy
afi### [at] gmailcom -- wtr### [at] calpolyedu
You know you've been raytracing too long when you visit a neighbour and
they tell that they've got a new lightbulb, and they say, "We know how
interested you where in the old one, so we've saved it for you".
-- Steve
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