(Confirmed by Ken Tyler)
The following short scene causes POV-Ray to give me an "internal error"
warning. I would imagine the problem is the exp() function, but surely a
simple high-valued result shouldn't crash the whole of POV-Ray... I would
have expected to just get some kind of "number overflow" message instead...
POV-Ray 3.5.icl.win32
Windows XP (Home), Mobile AMD Athlon +1400 CPU, 256MB RAM, etc.
--- Scene ---
noise_generator 3
location <0, 0, -500>
direction z
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source {<0, 0, -500>, colour rgb 1}
#declare TBase =
pigment {colour rgb 0.5}
finish {ambient 0 specular 0.5}
#declare TDrip =
pigment {colour rgb <0.95, 0.82, 0.71>}
finish {ambient 0 specular 0.2}
#declare RND = seed(31415);
#declare Angle = 0;
#while (Angle<360)
sphere {<sin(radians(Angle))*exp(Angle),
cos(radians(Angle))*exp(Angle), Angle>, 10, strength 7}
#declare Angle = Angle + 5;
#undef Angle
threshold 1
texture {TBase}
--- End Scene ---
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