POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : POV-RAY 3.1 Install Problem Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:36:46 EST (-0500)
  POV-RAY 3.1 Install Problem (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Mike Asbury
Subject: POV-RAY 3.1 Install Problem
Date: 31 Dec 1998 01:09:29
Message: <368B1457.49F01A37@stsci.edu>
I've tried installing POV-RAY 3.1 a few times now for Windows 95.  Every
single time, it seems to install correctly but the text is all junk.  I
tried copying some of the text to this email, but it "magically"
appeared normal in this email.  I have no idea what's going on.  Can
someone please help?

Please respond to mas### [at] astroumdedu


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From: povray org admin team
Subject: Re: POV-RAY 3.1 Install Problem
Date: 31 Dec 1998 13:59:09
Message: <368bc4d2.49193265@news.povray.org>
Mike Asbury <asb### [at] stsciedu> wrote:

>I've tried installing POV-RAY 3.1 a few times now for Windows 95.  Every
>single time, it seems to install correctly but the text is all junk.  I
>tried copying some of the text to this email, but it "magically"
>appeared normal in this email.  I have no idea what's going on.  Can
>someone please help?

Try setting the font (use the editor properties dialog - alt-enter in an editor
window) to something other than what it is.

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