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From: Guy Giesbrecht
Subject: animation rendering - page fault error closes pov
Date: 28 Nov 1998 13:47:20
Message: <36604538.0@news.povray.org>
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Hi anyone,
I've been using pov-ray for a couple years now with great
satisfaction, until I recently downloaded version 3.1 and began a new
project with hopes of rendering a simple flower like shape. I began with a
primitive, just to get the feel. But when I try to animate the primitives
motion using the clock variable I always get a page fault error which closes
the application.
Here's the problem causing code:
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#include "colors.inc"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Look down at an angle at our creation
location <0,1,-4.0>
direction 1*z
look_at <0,0,0>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple background for a simple scene
background { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0.7> }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A light source
light_source { <20, 20, -10> color White }
#declare increment = 0.03;
#declare xd=0.0;
#declare yd=-2.0;
#declare zd=0.0;
#declare dd = 0.12;
#declare iclock=clock+0.01;
#declare fclock=5.0*(clock+0.01);
#declare tclock=2.0*(clock+0.01);
#declare td=3.5;
threshold 0.6
#while (yd<=1)
#declare td=td-0.014;
#declare xd=sin(yd*3.0+fclock)/td;
// #declare zd=sin(yd*2+tclock);
cylinder { <xd,yd,zd> <xd,yd+0.03,zd>, dd , 4 pigment { Red } }
#declare yd=yd+increment;
#declare dd=dd-0.0009;
sphere { <xd,yd+increment+.15,zd> ,.5,7
// image_map { tga "eye1.tga" } rotate <0,-139.2,4+fclock> rotate <-70,0,0> scale 4
texture { pigment { Blue } finish { roughness 0.3 } }
This runs fine for between 2 and 10 renderings, then it throuws a page fault error
and an Access Violation 0xc0000005, the debugger points out this bit of native code
as the problem:
00439E7D add esi,48h
00439E80 push edi
00439E81 mov eax,ecx
00439E83 shr ecx,2
00439E86 repne movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [es
0439E88 mov cl,al
00439E8A and cl,3
00439E8D repne movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr [esi]
The line seperated by spaces is the one pointed to as the error
Does anyone know how to prevent this? am I missing something in the
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Guy :)E
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I ran your scene animation to 24 frames, no problems.
You need to state your OS (likewise POV platform) and other relevent info,
like video, ram, etc.; esp. since you've posted to the bugreports group.
Message <36604538.0@news.povray.org>, Guy Giesbrecht typed...
>Hi anyone,
> I've been using pov-ray for a couple years now with great
>satisfaction, until I recently downloaded version 3.1 and began a new
>project with hopes of rendering a simple flower like shape. I began with a
>primitive, just to get the feel. But when I try to animate the primitives
>motion using the clock variable I always get a page fault error which closes
>the application.
> Here's the problem causing code:
>global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
>#include "colors.inc"
>// ------------------------------------------------------------------
>// Look down at an angle at our creation
> location <0,1,-4.0>
> direction 1*z
> look_at <0,0,0>
>// ------------------------------------------------------------------
>// Simple background for a simple scene
>background { color rgb <0.9, 0.8, 0.7> }
>// ------------------------------------------------------------------
>// A light source
>light_source { <20, 20, -10> color White }
>#declare increment = 0.03;
>#declare xd=0.0;
>#declare yd=-2.0;
>#declare zd=0.0;
>#declare dd = 0.12;
>#declare iclock=clock+0.01;
>#declare fclock=5.0*(clock+0.01);
>#declare tclock=2.0*(clock+0.01);
>#declare td=3.5;
>threshold 0.6
>#while (yd<=1)
>#declare td=td-0.014;
>#declare xd=sin(yd*3.0+fclock)/td;
>// #declare zd=sin(yd*2+tclock);
> cylinder { <xd,yd,zd> <xd,yd+0.03,zd>, dd , 4 pigment { Red } }
> #declare yd=yd+increment;
> #declare dd=dd-0.0009;
>sphere { <xd,yd+increment+.15,zd> ,.5,7
>// image_map { tga "eye1.tga" } rotate <0,-139.2,4+fclock> rotate <-70,0,0>
scale 4
>texture { pigment { Blue } finish { roughness 0.3 } }
> }
> This runs fine for between 2 and 10 renderings, then it throuws a page
> error and an Access Violation 0xc0000005, the debugger points out this bit
>native code as the problem:
>00439E7D add esi,48h
>00439E80 push edi
>00439E81 mov eax,ecx
>00439E83 shr ecx,2
>00439E86 repne movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [es
>0439E88 mov cl,al
>00439E8A and cl,3
>00439E8D repne movs byte ptr es:[edi],byte ptr [esi]
> The line seperated by spaces is the one pointed to as the error
> Does anyone know how to prevent this? am I missing something in the
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Guy :)E
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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