POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Bugs report Server Time
23 Dec 2024 11:53:07 EST (-0500)
  Bugs report (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From:   Nico  
Subject: Bugs report
Date: 1 Nov 1998 07:37:14
Message: <363C55FA.B5C99F80@caramail.com>
Here are some bugs I've noticed on POV v3.1.watcom.win32.r1 with Win95B
and IE4 (Pentium II and 64mb RAM).

CodeMax-related bugs

+ When "Click beyond EOL" disabled, the Line and Column indicators in
the status bar don't update
  when you do click beyond the EOL.

+ The CodeMax Tab Size has to be entered for each edited file... I think
the awaited behaviour by
  most people is to have it changed across all opened files.

+ The editor caret sometimes disappears, it especially happens when I
make a selection and then
  click inside the selection. I can still edit and move it with the
keyboard arrows, but I don't
  see it. I have to click again to get it back.

Other bugs

+ In POV's dialog boxes (I believe it's in all of them), the help
buttons won't work (they show up
  a WinHelp error message box [This section doesn't exist, ... (129)],
and that's all).

+ The toolbars config/positions is not kept across sessions.

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