POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Save while rendering - problem Server Time
23 Nov 2024 00:36:23 EST (-0500)
  Save while rendering - problem (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Sebastian Strand
Subject: Save while rendering - problem
Date: 10 Oct 1998 14:23:05
Message: <361f97f9.0@news.povray.org>

I recently discovered a bug in POV-Ray v3.1r1 for Windows (running under
Windows 95).

I started a render, and while it was parsing I noticed an error in one
coordinate, so I corrected that and clicked save. Since the scene was
rendering the saving didn't work and I got a message saying something like
"Unable to rename original file to .b$*", or something like that. I clicked
ok, and clicked abort in the next dialog that appeared. However, this didn't
help, because when I clicked in the povray window again the same two dialogs
appeared, and in fact they kept reappearing, forcing me to shut down povray
with Ctrl-Alt-Del.



Sebastian Strand
sebastian.strand *AT* pp.inet.fi

My boss once told me I was so dense that light bent around me

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