POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Potential render bug in POV Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:30:05 EST (-0500)
  Potential render bug in POV (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: netcourt
Subject: Potential render bug in POV
Date: 21 Oct 1998 09:34:05
Message: <3606476A.EF539D7B@vnet.net>
I am using POV 3.1.watcom.win32.r1  On an IBM APTIVA (pentium 166 box
48 megs of memory)

When I run the below code there is a "ghost line" that appears that
should not be there.  I don't know if this is an honest to goodness bug
or studpidity on my part (I am kinda new to all this) but I think there
is a calculation error taking place somewhere.  Anyway here it is, see
if you can re-produce the error and drop me a line at ozz### [at] vnetnet
if I am not nuts and there really is a bug..
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "metals.inc"

camera {
  location < 0,0,-100>
  look_at < 0,0,0>

light_source { <0, 0, -1000> color White }
light_source { <0, 1000,-200> color White }

#declare Iron =
texture {
   pigment {rgb <.4, .4, .45>} normal {dents .6 scale .3} finish {phong
.3 phong_size 10 metallic}

#declare _a =
union {
   object {box{<-24,-48,-.375><24,48,.375>}texture {Pine_Wood}}
   object {box{<-.75,-48,-1.75><.75,48,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-.75,-48,-1.75><.75,48,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-.75,-46.5,-1.75><.75,46.5,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-.75,-46.5,-1.75><.75,46.5,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-.75,-46.5,-1.75><.75,46.5,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-22.5,-.75,-1.75><22.5,.75,1.75>}texture
   object {box{<-22.5,-.75,-1.75><22.5,.75,1.75>}texture

#declare _b =
union {
      object { prism {
         linear_sweep // or conic_sweep for tapering to a point
         -1.75,       // height 1
         1.75,        // height 2
         5,           // number of points in the object (2 d
         // the <u,v> points
         < -48,82.5-72>, < 48,  94.5-72>, < 48, 96-72>, < -48,84-72>
         texture {White_Wood scale <10,10,1>}

     object {box

object { _b rotate<0,0,0>}

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From: Dan Connelly
Subject: Good bug reports (was: Potential render bug in POV)
Date: 21 Oct 1998 19:06:50
Message: <362E5AC7.AC732B75@flash.net>
It is a generally good practice when encountering what 
appears to be a bug in a complex scene to spend some time
simplifying it until what remains is the simplest version
which still exhibits the bug.

This greatly increases the probability folks will be able
to and willing to help you.

It also results in a considerable probability that you will
be able to track down the problem yourself.   If not, you
will at least be able to get a better idea what the problem


netcourt wrote:
> When I run the below code there is a "ghost line" that appears that
> should not be there.  I don't know if this is an honest to goodness bug
> or studpidity on my part (I am kinda new to all this) but I think there
> is a calculation error taking place somewhere.  Anyway here it is, see
> if you can re-produce the error and drop me a line at ozz### [at] vnetnet
> if I am not nuts and there really is a bug..


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