I've run into a problem which I cannot understand. I'm working on a 'Foreach'
macro, to process arrays. it works as expected, except..
the below shows the error message I'm getting when I try to create an object
from within the "payload" macro; first run displays the values supplied from an
array, with the offending line (208) commented out.
jr@swift:1:$ povparse fore_demo.pov
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10064268.unofficial
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
e[0] = 0 e[1] = 0 e[2] = 'one' e[3] = 7.
e[0] = 2 e[1] = 1 e[2] = 'two' e[3] = 6.
e[0] = 4 e[1] = 2 e[2] = 'three' e[3] = 5.
e[0] = 6 e[1] = 3 e[2] = 'four' e[3] = 3.
e[0] = 1 e[1] = 4 e[2] = 'five' e[3] = 2.
e[0] = 3 e[1] = 5 e[2] = 'six' e[3] = 4.
e[0] = 5 e[1] = 6 e[2] = 'seven' e[3] = 1.
e[0] = 7 e[1] = 7 e[2] = 'eight' e[3] = 0.
File 'fore_demo.pov' line 216: Parse Warning: No objects in scene.
==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
Rendered 1024 of 1024 pixels (100%)
POV-Ray finished
jr@swift:2:$ povparse fore_demo.pov
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
e[0] = 0 e[1] = 0 e[2] = 'one' e[3] = 7.
File 'fore_demo.pov' line 199: Parse Error: Expected 'numeric expression',
sphere found instead
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
Render failed
zip attached. (the demo scene is meant to double as draft documentation, hence
the format)
regards, jr.
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