getting an error I cannot understand.
Script started on Sun 07 Apr 2019 23:52:16 BST
jr@crow:1:sinkflip$ pov38 sf2b1
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.10013324.unofficial
Rendering frame 1 of 72 (#0)
Rendering frame 1 of 72 (#0)
Stream output files must reside in same directory as image output file.
Stream output files must reside in same directory as image output file.
Render failed
the .ini file contains (edited):
all_file = /tmp/render/sf/LOG
initial_frame = 0
final_frame = 71
input_file_name = sf2b1.pov
output_file_name = /tmp/render/sf/frame_
regards, jr.
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