On 2/15/2016 6:20 AM, Sven Littkowski wrote:
> Seeing all these problems, I am wondering, if there is a possibility in
> POV-Ray, to twist a given OBJECT to become a cylinder.
> If that function does not exist yet, here is a suggestion:
> 1
> That function needs to twist an object of any dimension, example:
> that object is not 1 unit tall, but lets say 10 units (imagine a box)
> 2
> When twisting to a cylinder, there is no standard size (of 1 unit), but
> the radius is set by the user, this way, a cylinder-twisted object with
> a height of 10 units would not lead to a cylinder that is fully filled,
> if the cylinder radius was set to let's say 100 units. Also, the user
> can set the begin and end radius, that enables cylinders and also funnels.
> Here my vision:
> /*
> The object ("MyObject) must be centered by the user at < 0, 0, 0 > and
> the lowest point (Z axis) must be 0, while the highest point is open
> (any number). The user cares about that by using the proper radius. The
> OBJ_Cylinder function creates a cylinder from let's say -X to +X, the
> radius from -Z to +Z.
> Here, MyObject is assumed to range
> from <-10.0, 0.0, -5.0> to <10.0, 10.0, 5.0>
> */
> #declare TheLandscape = object
> {
> OBJ_Cylinder(object { MyObject }, // the object to be twisted
> 10.0, // X (X Expanse of object)
> 5.0, // Z (Z Expanse)
> 100.0, // Cylinder Radius Begin
> 90.0, // Cylinder Radius End
> )
> rotate < 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 > // any common object modifiers)
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------
> On 14.02.2016 16:42, Kenneth wrote:
>> clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
>>> Am 14.02.2016 um 21:01 schrieb Kenneth:
>>>> IDEALLY, as 'depth' increases, the cylinder should stay at the same radius,
>>>> with the image_map function simply 'eating into' it. But that's not what
>>>> happens.
>>> That wouldn't be ideal either, as it would /reduce/ the effective radius
>>> of the entire height_field cylinder on average, creating the opposite
>>> distorting effect.
>> I was assuming (probably incorrectly) that the image_map itself would always
>> have *some* pure white areas in it-- which would equate to the max height of the
>> HF (meaning, the max radius of the HF_Cylinder.) It's that max radius I was
>> referring to. In experiments I'm doing with two really odd (and dynamic) scaling
>> equations, I can *almost* get that max radius AND height to stay at set values,
>> no matter what the 'depth' value. But "almost" isn't quite good enough yet...
>> :-/
Maybe this will help.
I've never used it.
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