POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : CLipka: Possible BUG Found!!! :-) : Re: CLipka: Possible BUG Found!!! :-) Server Time
15 Feb 2025 02:47:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: CLipka: Possible BUG Found!!! :-)  
From: Sven Littkowski
Date: 15 Feb 2016 06:20:17
Message: <56c1b471@news.povray.org>
Seeing all these problems, I am wondering, if there is a possibility in
POV-Ray, to twist a given OBJECT to become a cylinder.

If that function does not exist yet, here is a suggestion:
That function needs to twist an object of any dimension, example:
that object is not 1 unit tall, but lets say 10 units (imagine a box)
When twisting to a cylinder, there is no standard size (of 1 unit), but
the radius is set by the user, this way, a cylinder-twisted object with
a height of 10 units would not lead to a cylinder that is fully filled,
if the cylinder radius was set to let's say 100 units. Also, the user
can set the begin and end radius, that enables cylinders and also funnels.

Here my vision:

The object ("MyObject) must be centered by the user at < 0, 0, 0 > and
the lowest point (Z axis) must be 0, while the highest point is open
(any number). The user cares about that by using the proper radius. The
OBJ_Cylinder function creates a cylinder from let's say -X to +X, the
radius from -Z to +Z.

Here, MyObject is assumed to range
from <-10.0, 0.0, -5.0> to <10.0, 10.0, 5.0>

#declare TheLandscape = object
 OBJ_Cylinder(object { MyObject }, // the object to be twisted
                             10.0, // X (X Expanse of object)
                              5.0, // Z (Z Expanse)
                            100.0, // Cylinder Radius Begin
                             90.0, // Cylinder Radius End
 rotate < 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 >  // any common object modifiers)


On 14.02.2016 16:42, Kenneth wrote:
> clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
>> Am 14.02.2016 um 21:01 schrieb Kenneth:
>>> IDEALLY, as 'depth' increases, the cylinder should stay at the same radius,
>>> with the image_map function simply 'eating into' it. But that's not what
>>> happens.
>> That wouldn't be ideal either, as it would /reduce/ the effective radius
>> of the entire height_field cylinder on average, creating the opposite
>> distorting effect.
> I was assuming (probably incorrectly) that the image_map itself would always
> have *some* pure white areas in it-- which would equate to the max height of the
> HF (meaning, the max radius of the HF_Cylinder.) It's that max radius I was
> referring to. In experiments I'm doing with two really odd (and dynamic) scaling
> equations, I can *almost* get that max radius AND height to stay at set values,
> no matter what the 'depth' value. But "almost" isn't quite good enough yet...
> :-/

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