POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values: Holes! / Error 2: Alpha Value Overwriting? : Re: Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values:Holes!/Error2:AlphaValueOverwriting? Server Time
3 Dec 2024 22:07:55 EST (-0500)
  Re: Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values:Holes!/Error2:AlphaValueOverwriting?  
From: clipka
Date: 23 Dec 2015 16:19:40
Message: <567b0fec$1@news.povray.org>
Am 23.12.2015 um 19:04 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> Wow! Respect! I don't know much about C or C++, but if I could find
> someone who has the Windows compiler, shouldn't I then not be able to
> compile a new EXE file? Or, William, can I ask you to do that? I am
> willing to test that version right away, and give a feedback here with
> text and images. It won't liquefy my laptop, so I am boldly offering to
> use this new EXE.

As far as Windows is concerned (which I presume is what you are using),
the only build tool currently supported by the POV-Ray project is
Microsoft Visual Studio, with version VS 2010 being the primary
officially supported version at present, and VS 2015 being supported via
the VS 2010 project files by now. Versions in between have not been
extensively tested.

Microsoft provides a free edition of Visual Studio 2015 called Visual
Studio Community, which can be used within certain legal limitations
(building custom versions of POV-Ray should be fair game) and provides
everything you need to build POV-Ray straight out of the box.

Note however that when you modify the source code of POV-Ray, you do so
at your own risk.

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