POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.bugreports : Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values: Holes! / Error 2: Alpha Value Overwriting? : Re: Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values: Holes! /Error2:AlphaValueOverwriting? Server Time
3 Dec 2024 23:10:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: Blobs: Error 1: Negative Values: Holes! /Error2:AlphaValueOverwriting?  
From: Sven Littkowski
Date: 23 Dec 2015 12:46:36
Message: <567addfc$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks, good explanation.

I changed pretrace_end from 0.015 to 0.010.

I increased count from 400 to 1500.
And I added low_error_factor 0.5.
After some experimenting with each of these three measurements and
combinations of them, the entire radiosity block looks now like this:

   media on
   pretrace_start 0.08
   pretrace_end   0.001
   count 400
   error_bound 0.75
   recursion_limit 1

pretrace_end 0.001 did the job.   :-D

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