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First release.
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"And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
> First release.
Java Runtime Environment can be downloaded here: (Java SE)
I'm looking the OpenJDK, too . . .
Maybe OpenJDK is a better selection.
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Open the program "Wood_Design.jar" in the folder.
It opens this menu.
Click "Edit Basic Profile", fills in the form, when you finish it, click"OK".
Click "Edit Radial Grow Speed", ...
complete the editing sequentially.
The function of output files is just render a block. It is shabby but you can
change the object however.
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"Edit Radial Grow Speed" change the woodgrain density. The default value is
0.02m/year. If you do not change any control node on it, it will produce annual
ring interval 2cm
(assumed POV-Ray 1 unit = 1 meter)
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"Edit Angular Shape" can change the shape of the woodgrain. It use polar
coordinate. In fact it control a series of value(default value = 1). When you
drag a control node to make a larger radius, it make the value > 1; when you
drag a control node to make a smaller radius, it make the value < 1.
These three curves located at r = 0.266..m, r = 0.533..m, r = 0.8m.
This is an approximate method. The output result should be accurate when you
just adjust the shape slightly. But if you distort the shape overly the result
will be unpredictable.
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Preview of image 'gui edit angular shape.png'

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"Preview And Output"
I do not prepare a file chooser, so you can only change the file name. The
produced folder located at the folder of the program. You can render the example
(show tree function.pov) in it.
You can change the output files yourself, too. I will introduce the output files
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Preview of image 'gui preview and output.png'

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"And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
> "Preview And Output"
> I do not prepare a file chooser, so you can only change the file name. The
> produced folder located at the folder of the program. You can render the example
> (show tree function.pov) in it.
> You can change the output files yourself, too. I will introduce the output files
> later.
this looks like it's going to be a fun tool !
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Op 28-6-2022 om 10:38 schreef And:
> "Preview And Output"
> I do not prepare a file chooser, so you can only change the file name. The
> produced folder located at the folder of the program. You can render the example
> (show tree function.pov) in it.
> You can change the output files yourself, too. I will introduce the output files
> later.
Thank you very much indeed. I am truly impressed. As Maurice said: this
is going to be fun to play with. I shall let you know my thoughts while
testing this.
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I must introduce these output files. Because I need your participation on the
composite of the patterns.
Although I leave only one (show tree function.pov) to let you tried to render
the example, but I know many people here have the ability to modify something
source ....inc.
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"..._angular_distortion_(0, 1, 2).inc"
connects the angular shape. The more characteristic heights you set, the more
files are produced.
assemble them.
The files above is no need to change, if you have thoughts about them, you
should tell me. Because using program to generate these data is more convenient
than DIY.
This file composite the radial speed, angular shape distortion,(and knot shape
distortion in the future) to a single function "time_function(x,y,z)", it input
position, output 'age at that position', but in fact :P, its output is zero at
the tree base <0,0,0>, and get bigger when you keep away from the (tree)center.
The Unit is year.
Here it produce two additional function 'pinstripes' and 'wood band', these two
functions output value 0~1, 0 represent early-wood, 1 represent late-wood(dark
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