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Default off til you need it,
Cb<input type="checkbox" id="clip"/>
And in the function buffer ... there are 2,
which use clipboard();
if (document.getElementById("clip").checked) clipboard();
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* my 3 global hacks = pickeropen = 1;pickeropen = 0;MYColor = '#'+value;
(Didn't figure a way to access existing state.)
Now it knows what it's doing on top of another layer.
Wont be pulling off uncontrolled double operations.
Was like insulting, heh.
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so you open and close a picker but didn't set a color. MYColor (not the other 4)
got set anyway, field will be changed unnecessarily for other upClicks.
more changes...
function mouseUp(e) {
if (pickeropen) showpicker();
function showpicker() {
if ((MYColor) && (pickeropen)) { /// will move, not set.
function mouseDwn() {
// echo(" ");
I mean, if you want something right.
That should be all the bugs from adding 4 pickers that can work on top.
happy coloring.
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too many changes to list,
text area (good for debugging)
color doesn't change without breaking a leg to do it.
changed to text input.
dark color with white text,
light colr with black text.
and all previous changes,
lucky number 7 is here.
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function hsl2rgb(h, s, l) {
echo("That was not a color! hsl2rgb()")
return [0,0,0];
both those functions ought to,
not leave a condition where it could return nothing.
check for out of range input.
and give some heads up.
more to do.
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v.8 Changes
comments removed from operations that need speed.
hue error handling.
added variables for decimal output.
clipboard extended to any color set with "Cb" checked.
but unfortunately,
copy event closes the jsPicker layer by focus change. not a bug.
should be clipboard("text")! mirc has it. another case for DIY.
clipboard had to select text. added deselect.
send palette color to Picker,
left mouseClick and ctr = 1, shift = 2, alt = 3rd Picker.
QUIRKS that stick:
open/close/reopen Picker before it gets the new color.
open a Picker, by clicking on text input ...
open another Picker, MYColor is set to previous picker.
close and reopen same, set to this color.
down clicks on Picker always set this color.
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"Melody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> v.8 Changes
> close and reopen same, set to this color.
> down clicks on Picker always set this color.
had I communication skills, I might have said something more clear.
close and reopen same, Picker set to the sent-color.
down clicks on Picker always set a new selected color.
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thought it too much find in the maze, I was wrong.
EASY FIX. add this to jscolor.js -
IN function drawPicker(x, y) {
if (valueElement.value) MYColor = '#'+valueElement.value;
opens and gets the new color, yea.
only goofy part is if u open another while one is open.
that case, drawPicker() doesn't seem to fly first time or something.
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got it! next version maybe. If you cant wait,
move MYColor = '#'+value;
to end of
this.exportColor = function(flags) {
like so ...
MYColor = '#'+value;
it was setting, as if closing happened after opening new pricker.
goofy got fixed.
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got goofy to take a hike, description for hacking jscolor:
pickeropen = 1;pickeropen = 0;MYColor = '#'+value;
hidePicker() know the state
showPicker() know the state and halt lower layer functions.
fromHSV() only set on new color selection, not on close.
drawPicker() get color on open.
if (valueElement.value) MYColor = '#'+valueElement.value;
script sends new color to text input - update = newpicker();
this way u dont have to know which picker you're using,
when showing results.
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