POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Announcing interesting progress with kobldes Server Time
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  Announcing interesting progress with kobldes (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Kene
Subject: Announcing interesting progress with kobldes
Date: 7 Dec 2012 19:45:02
Message: <web.50c28c8883155126f8b6c770@news.povray.org>
If you remember I have been working on this building design or architectural
modeling tool that combines the power of the SDL and LightSys to provide an
environment to relatively easily create building components. I got distracted
for a while but continued development about a month ago. I am happy to announce
some major improvements.

One of my main goals with Kobldes was to be able to extract DXF files.
Essentially this is now possible. I recently came across a script based CAD
modeler called OpenSCAD that allows you to create 3D objects with the option of
exporting flat drawings such as DXF format. For the past few days I have managed
to create an export capability from Kobldes to OpenSCAD. The change between the
left handedness to the right (for OpenSCAD) is automatic which means by just
exporting the user does not have to do any additional work to get the correct
script file for OpenSCAD. Then using OpenSCAD, just export to DXF.

If you want to try out this feature, go to the web site at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/kobldes/ and follow the instruction in the
README file. Use the files in the "bleedingedge" directory. There are no
tutorials yet but you can use the example pov file in this directory.

I am getting to the limit of what I can manage using the SDL so I am seriously
thinking of moving development of kobldes to python programming language. First
thing is to get a class that can parse the current syntax. If anybody has an
idea of the most efficient way to do this please let me know.

Feel free to email any questions at kem### [at] gmailcom

The following images shows an unfinished building designed and rendered in
kobldes. The next 4 posts illustrate the ability to export this design to DXF
automatically from Kobldes to OpenSCAD.

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Download 'kobldes.png' (153 KB)

Preview of image 'kobldes.png'


From: Dave
Subject: Re: Announcing interesting progress with kobldes
Date: 8 Dec 2012 14:55:37
Message: <50c39b39$1@news.povray.org>
On 12/7/2012 6:41 PM, Kene wrote:
> I am getting to the limit of what I can manage using the SDL so I am seriously
> thinking of moving development of kobldes to python programming language. First
> thing is to get a class that can parse the current syntax. If anybody has an
> idea of the most efficient way to do this please let me know.

Take a look at PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/ply.html

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