"William Pokorny" <pokorny_epix_net> wrote:
> ingo,
> I tried two unzip versions from the UnZip site and neither worked. I tried a
> second download on my primary machine, but I got the cached copy from my
> browser. Moving to a back up computer where I was certain I would not get a
> cached copy, I pulled yet another copy. None worked.
> On a third computer I brought up a news reader and pulled a another copy.
> This copy unziped fine with a whole series of unzip programs on linux,
> Windows XP and all three computers!
> Finally, on the computer where I used a news reader to grab a working copy,
> I used the web newsgroup view to download and replace the working zip file.
> This web version of the file was corrupted.
> My conclusion is that the web version of this file is corrupted or gets
> corrupted during the download. Not sure what to do with this information,
> but perhaps it will be of some help to somebody somewhere.
Well it certainly was helpful to me, since I had exactly the same problem.
Could not open the web downloaded version with any of my archival tools,
either in windows or linux. Tried your suggestion & downloaded again
through newsreader and now can open from all of them.
THanks, RG
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