TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it from:
TesselSphere is an OpenGL spherical subdivision utility I wrote to generate
vertexia for pollen, radiolaria and virus forms.
It outputs POV-Ray and VRML. It has both particle and geodesic subdivsion
modules and uses live 'morphers' to split the vertexia of Delaunay and
Voronoi hulls into 'cells'. These cells can also be stellated.
You can see a screenshot of the program at the above url. The TesselSphere
website vanished for a while, but it should be back (somewhere) soon.
TesselSphere has been successfully compiled on Win-98 and Linux Mandrake-9.1
I hope the POV community finds it of use and I would like to thank all the
programmers who have shared their code with me over the past years. This is
my offering in return.
Long live POV-Ray,
Best wishes,
Nicholas Shea
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On Sat, 10 Jan 2004 19:08:30 -0500, Nicholas Shea wrote:
> TesselSphere-1.1.0-rc2 has finally been released. You can download it
> from: http://www.members.aol.com/omega1746
> TesselSphere has been successfully compiled on Win-98 and Linux
> Mandrake-9.1
What a wonderful tool indeed !!
I compiled it on a Linux Gentoo box. I had to make the following
changes to the makefile:
- create empty depend file
- rm the .exe form the Tesselphere make objective :)
- added FLTK include & library paths
- changed all other include & library paths to /usr/lib
Compiles against FLTK 1.1
Do you have some sample .pov files to use with the includes ?
Thanks !!
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