POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Re: typing speed measure Server Time
22 Dec 2024 03:22:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: typing speed measure (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
Subject: Re: typing speed measure
Date: 4 Apr 2002 12:22:54
Message: <uk2paug43t6d8sgo6a75mckkeqqjq8b1bj@4ax.com>
On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 09:15:13 -0800, Alan Kong <ako### [at] povrayWWWSPAMCOMorg>

> On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 12:34:54 +0200 W?odzimierz ABX Skiba wrote:
> > My friend at work did such short application (in delphi) with everything I need.
> > He is not interested in copyright and I'm allowed to public his work with
> > sources. If anybody is interested I can upload it somewhere. I'll use it to
> > setup pov animation so perhaps povray.binaries is proper place ?
> Don't know about others, but I'd be interested. I think
> p.binaries.utilities would be appropriate. Source would be nice, also,
> as I know someone who is trying out Delphi.

Here is not changed package I recived. Type something and then press button
"Wynik". All special characters are the same appearance but somebody can
probably modify this output. Please show/inform us about all modified versions
of it.

disc{z,-z#macro O()asc(substr("-+((1*(,1,/.-,*/(,&.323/'1"e,1))*.1-4#declare
e=e-1;#end#local e=26;5pigment{#local g=function(_){ceil(_)-_}function#local
k=function{pattern{object{sphere_sweep{linear_spline 13#while(e)<O(),O()//35
>.01#end}}}}{k(g(atan2(x,y)),g(ln((y+x)^2+1e-5)),0)}}finish{ambient 1}}//ABX

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