TB Software presents the new version of 3DWin, the 3D
file format converter. Beside several mesh processing
features it offers full uv and material support for
various 3d file formats.
3DWinOGL is a member of the 3DWin product line.
It bases on the 3DWin engine and adds visual support
during the conversion process with help of OpenGL.
3DWin's strength is the high stability of processing
different file formats. "Quality not Quantity" is the
motto of the software development when commenting
number of supported file formats.
3DWin is available at
Dear 3DWin user,
3DWin for Moray is delayed, so please ignore all references to 3DWin
for Moray.
3DWin for Moray will be released very soon. Please visit our web site
What's new:
Hot topics:
* Window Manager for 3DWInOGL
* Moray 3DWin Plugin with import/export support
* Auto Focus feature
* improved FPS counter
* improved outline painting
* Window Manager
* New Hotkeys for Objectselection
* Software/HW OpenGL switching
3DWin for Moray plugin:
* Installation fully integrated into the 3DWin setup
* import of all formats supported by 3DWin
* conversion of geometry, materials and image
maps including normals and uv mapping
* export!!!! of all Moray objects into all 3DWin export fileformats
* export of geometry, textures and materials including uv mapping
3DWin plugins:
* New Plugins
* Impulse Imagine Import
* CAD-3D 2.0 Import
* NFF Import
* OFF Import
* Fixes
* OGL_OUT:Object Names in OpenGL output
* LWO__IN:LW5.6 image maps & uv support
* WAV__IN:smoothing bug fixed
* bug smoothing fixed
* bug normal flip fixed
* To use this Demo version the new Demo reg keys
are required (Demo_Reg_Setup.exe)
* If you are registered plase install also
the Demo reg keys and then install the reg keys
already sent to you.
3dto3d engine features:
* running under Win95/98/ME/NT4/W2K/XP
(linux under preperation)
* easy installation
* plugin architecture
* updates via support web page.
* clear and comfortable userinterface
* full help support
* fast and robust conversion routines
* reliable handling of larges scenes
* detailed statistics about conversion process
* supports polygon meshes including normals and uv
* supports light and camera conversion
* supports material and image map conversion
3DWin features:
* fast and easy user interface
* batch processing (registered version only)
* drag&drop
Differences demo/registered version:
* enabled support for material and image map
* enabled batch processing
* some exports may miss every 5th vertex/edge/face
3DWinOGL features:
* 3D Quad OpenGL views with mouse support
* various OpenGL settings
* UV view with material preview
* multiple camera views
* light view
* multiple shading options for active and
inactive objects (textured, colored,
transparent and grey shading)
* interactive manipulation of objects
(mesh optimizing and transformations)
* drag&drop
* merge multiple scenes
* exchange materials
* selective export
* flexible window manager
3DWin for Moray plugin:
* import 3d files including uv mapping and texture information
* export of Moray/Povray objects to 3d faces (like *.3ds)
Difference demo/registered version:
* enabled 3d file export
Generic ASCII format (*.raw)
3DStudio (*.3ds, *.prj, *.mli)
Lightwave (*.lwo, *.lws)
Autodesk (*.dxf)
WaveFront (*.obj)
Protein Data Bank (*.pdb)
Direct X (*.x)
LightWave (*.lwo, *.lws)
Quake MDL (*.mdl, *.md2)
LDraw (*.dat)
3DS MAX (*.ase)
Rhino (*.3dm)
VRML (*.wrl, *.blo, *.xml *.x3d)
CAD-3D 2 (*.3d2)
Imagine (*.iob, *.obj)
NFF (*.nff)
OFF (*.off)
17 Import Formats
Generic ASCII format (*.raw)
3DStudio (*.3ds, *.asc)
Autodesk (*.dxf)
VRML 1.0/2.0 (*.wrl)
POV-Ray and Moray (*.inc, *.udo)
WaveFront (*.obj)
OpenGL (*.c)
Renderman/BMRT (*.rib)
Lightflow (*.py)
Direct X (*.x)
LightWave (*.lwo, *.lws)
Quake MDL (*.mdl, *.md2)
Digistar (*.vla)
13 Export Formats
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