POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Domenator II, the sequel Server Time
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  Domenator II, the sequel (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Philippe Gibone
Subject: Domenator II, the sequel
Date: 21 Apr 2012 02:09:05
Message: <4f924f01@news.povray.org>

Here is Domenator, a 3D Shape generator using OpenGL (see the 
binaries.images forum for examples).

There are many parameters in this utility, but they are very simple to use 
(any way you see immediately the effect for most of them), and there is a 
"Panic Button".

To try it you just have to choose a Base and a Slope, nothing else is 

When you press the "Generate Dome" button, it generates an INC file that you 
can use in your POV Scene.

Known bugs:
1) Error management is very weak.
2) Never erase the content of an EditText zone or of a Spinner, it would 
freeze the program (especially after midnight). In fact this is a GLUI bug, 
if anyone knows a workaround; I would be pleased to correct that.
3) The program can't fetch the directory from the GLUI FileBrowser (another 
GLUI bug), so I have forbidden changing directory (see the installation 
If there is enough persons to be interested in this tool, I may try to 
convert it into a pure MSVC program (without GLUI).

1) This is an OpenGL program, so you will need OpenGL DLLs. All these files 
are free to download.
2) It has been developed with MSVC 2010 (I've never been able to make 
Code::Blocks to work with GLUI (even the examples files)) so, you will need 
some MSVC*.DLL and the .NET Framework v4. All these files are free to 
3) The best way to install Domenator is to copy Domenator.exe in a 
subdirectory of a POV-RAY include directory; the .DOM files used to save 
your work will be stored in this directory, and the .INC file in the Parent 
directory (so in a POV-RAY include directory).
For instance :
    * INC
    * myINCLUDE
        * Domenator
If you copy Domenator.exe in the Domenator Directory, the .DOM files will be 
stored in the same directory, and the INC files will be stored in myINCLUDE 
(which is supposed to be in the search paths of POVRAY).

Let me know if you encounter any other bug, or if you think of interesting 
new features
Sorry for my lousy English ;((.

Philippe Gibone

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Download 'Domenator.zip' (142 KB)

From: Philippe Gibone
Subject: Re: Domenator II, the sequel
Date: 21 Apr 2012 10:46:25
Message: <4f92c841@news.povray.org>
And now the sequel's sequel  : Compiled in release mode.
And miracle, as I had to recompile my GLUI.LIB in release mode, I corrected 
the nasty bug that freezed (froze ?) the program when you erase all 
characters in an edit text ;-)

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Download 'Domenator.zip' (130 KB)

From: Fractracer
Subject: Re: Domenator II, the sequel
Date: 25 Jul 2013 03:55:00
Message: <web.51f0d9b37c081d93db6ca8c50@news.povray.org>
"Philippe Gibone" <ph.### [at] wanadoofr> wrote:
> And now the sequel's sequel  : Compiled in release mode.
> And miracle, as I had to recompile my GLUI.LIB in release mode, I corrected
> the nasty bug that freezed (froze ?) the program when you erase all
> characters in an edit text ;-)

Great program!

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