POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : modelling environment without modeller Server Time
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  modelling environment without modeller (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: modelling environment without modeller
Date: 6 Mar 2001 10:52:25
Message: <3aa507b9@news.povray.org>
I know that POV-Ray is raytracer not modeller but ...
I want share my new tool - macro for MegaPOV and its children. It takes base
object and creates environment for modelling : views, grids, camera, background,
lights, size of image. It could be usefull for many usage: prepare prints for
paint uv-maps, hand-code models, investigate best bounding (with margin 0).

Syntax of typical scenefile is:
  #include "modeling.inc"
  #declare MyObject=object{any proper definition}

Here is description of parameters:
- MyObject
    declared our object in POV-units
- Margin
    space between view and border of image
    and between views, it is declared in POV-units
- GridSize
    distance between gridlines in POV-units
    if GridSize < 0 than gridlines are over views
    if GridSize > 0 than gridlines are below views
    if GridSize = 0 than gridlines are off
    grid lines are 1 pixel wide
- Lights
    if Lights<=0 than one parallel light is used
    if Lights>0 than arealight is used to underline convexity
    value of positive Lights describe size of area_light
- BkColor
    describes background color of image and as negation
    describes color of grid

image sizes are recalculated to fullfill area passed in +H and +W but to save
time of rendering unused area

sample image just sended to p.b.images

any comments ?


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Download 'modeling.inc.txt' (5 KB)

From: Shay
Subject: Re: modelling environment without modeller
Date: 26 Apr 2001 13:15:13
Message: <3ae857a1@news.povray.org>
Where can I get this macro?


Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote in message
> I know that POV-Ray is raytracer not modeller but ...
> I want share my new tool - macro for MegaPOV and its children. It takes
> object and creates environment for modelling : views, grids, camera,
> lights, size of image. It could be usefull for many usage: prepare prints
> paint uv-maps, hand-code models, investigate best bounding (with margin
> Syntax of typical scenefile is:
>   #include "modeling.inc"
>   #declare MyObject=object{any proper definition}
>   display_project(MyObject,Margin,GridSize,Lights,BkColor)
> Here is description of parameters:
> - MyObject
>     declared our object in POV-units
> - Margin
>     space between view and border of image
>     and between views, it is declared in POV-units
> - GridSize
>     distance between gridlines in POV-units
>     if GridSize < 0 than gridlines are over views
>     if GridSize > 0 than gridlines are below views
>     if GridSize = 0 than gridlines are off
>     grid lines are 1 pixel wide
> - Lights
>     if Lights<=0 than one parallel light is used
>     if Lights>0 than arealight is used to underline convexity
>     value of positive Lights describe size of area_light
> - BkColor
>     describes background color of image and as negation
>     describes color of grid
> image sizes are recalculated to fullfill area passed in +H and +W but to
> time of rendering unused area
> sample image just sended to p.b.images
> any comments ?

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From: Wlodzimierz ABX Skiba
Subject: Re: modelling environment without modeller
Date: 26 Apr 2001 13:32:48
Message: <3ae85bc0@news.povray.org>
Shay wrote in message <3ae857a1@news.povray.org>...
> Where can I get this macro?
> Shay

Well... did you responsed some post with your question, right ?
My macro was attached to this original post.
Have you still problem with it ?


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