POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : AutoCAD2POV news Server Time
22 Dec 2024 13:47:14 EST (-0500)
  AutoCAD2POV news (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: cadman
Subject: AutoCAD2POV news
Date: 18 Jan 2001 19:42:52
Message: <3a678d8c@news.povray.org>
For anyone interested...

I apologize for the broken link the last couple of months.  You guys are
great.  I had so many downloads that I doubled my bandwith limit and my host
shut me down.  So,
AutoCAD2POV has a new website:  http://autocad2pov.povray.co.uk.  It is a
real (redesigned) website, not just a lame temporary download page.

It is updated!! Announcing Version 4.0!!  Wow that's fast!  Mostly the new
version is an updated, faster dll.  Not any new features, but hopefully some
bug fixes.

IntelliCAD is now supported!!  I tried to accomodate IntelliCAD users with
this release as well, although IntelliCAD does not have solid modelling.
Check out the IntelliCAD page on the website.

Tutorial coming soon!

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From: Rick [Kitty5]
Subject: Re: AutoCAD2POV news
Date: 19 Jan 2001 06:07:07
Message: <3a681fdb@news.povray.org>
> AutoCAD2POV has a new website:  http://autocad2pov.povray.co.uk.  It is a
> real (redesigned) website, not just a lame temporary download page.

Hurrah!! - the first hosted site !!


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