POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : POVGUI 1.3 Available Server Time
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  POVGUI 1.3 Available (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: dave
Subject: POVGUI 1.3 Available
Date: 25 Aug 2001 13:20:28
Message: <3B87DEAA.2425D8A9@aol.com>
Here is the latest version of POVGUI, the wireframe modeling emulator
for MegaPOV 0.7. This update features macro-based objects and lights,
better CSG support, cubic splines for lathe and prism, area and spot
lights, and even height fields! Take a look and let me know what you

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Download 'povgui13.zip' (109 KB)

From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: POVGUI 1.3 Available
Date: 27 Aug 2001 02:09:50
Message: <3b89e42e@news.povray.org>
Sound impressive :)  Will check it out.
I'm making a car with blobs at the moment. Will POVGUI have support for blobs

- Nekar

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From: Dave Dunn
Subject: Re: POVGUI 1.3 Available
Date: 27 Aug 2001 06:19:07
Message: <3B8A1EC7.91FEC37E@aol.com>
Nekar Xenos wrote:

> Sound impressive :)  Will check it out.
> I'm making a car with blobs at the moment. Will POVGUI have support for blobs
> sometime?

Blobs are the next thing on my list. I will probably not be able to show the
equipotential surfaces, unless I have a sudden brainstorm. My strategy right now
is to show the actual radius, which is the field, and the visible radius, which
is the field minus the threshold., as nested spheres. Haven't worked out how to
do the cylinder components yet, but just started working on it. I also have a fix
for the height fields that takes 200 lines fewer code and renders twice as fast.
So I am still working on it. I will probably wait until I finish blobs, the text
proxy, and maybe superqs (if this is possible) to release a new version, If
anyone wants the HF fix, let me know.

Thanks, Dave

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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: POVGUI 1.3 Available
Date: 28 Aug 2001 09:32:09
Message: <3b8b9d59@news.povray.org>
"dave" <poi### [at] aolcom> wrote in message news:3B87DEAA.2425D8A9@aol.com...
> Here is the latest version of POVGUI, the wireframe modeling emulator
> for MegaPOV 0.7. This update features macro-based objects and lights,
> better CSG support, cubic splines for lathe and prism, area and spot
> lights, and even height fields! Take a look and let me know what you
> think.

I haven't had the guts to try cubic splines before, but with this utility, I
might just get somewhere with it =)

- Nekar

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From: Dave Dunn
Subject: Re: POVGUI 1.3 Available
Date: 28 Aug 2001 09:52:41
Message: <3B8BA254.E0E2F811@aol.com>
Nekar Xenos wrote:
>I haven't had the guts to try cubic splines before, but with this utility, I
might just get >somewhere with it =)

I'm only sorry I had to stop at 8 points; coding the lathe and prism objects is a
tedious process that I hope to try and automate for the next version so I can give
you more points to play with. The docs don't make it clear, but you don't have to
worry about the mysterious start and end control points for cubic spline - the are
calculated automatically! I would suggest making a linear spline object and
changing the type from "1" to "2." A smooth representation of your prism or lathe
will appear.

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