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Subject: files
Date: 5 Sep 2000 19:22:30
Message: <39b58036@news.povray.org>
does anyone know where I can get a file converter for *.3dm to *.pov and
*.pov to *.3dm

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: files
Date: 5 Sep 2000 20:47:20
Message: <39B593B6.A065E30B@pacbell.net>

> does anyone know where I can get a file converter for *.3dm to *.pov and
> *.pov to *.3dm

.3dm ? Isn't that one of those weird Mac 3d file formats ?
I don't know of any converters off hand that handle that
file extension.

Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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From: Chris Huff
Subject: Re: files
Date: 5 Sep 2000 21:17:59
Message: <chrishuff-B5BACC.20194205092000@news.povray.org>
In article <39B593B6.A065E30B@pacbell.net>, lin### [at] povrayorg 

> .3dm ? Isn't that one of those weird Mac 3d file formats ?

I think it is the 3-character version of the .3dmf extension(3D 
MetaFile, I think). It is the standard QuickDraw 3D format, and was 
created by Apple, but it is cross-platform. You might look at the Quesa 
project, they may have converter programs.

All I know about the format is that it is said to be a very nice 
cross-platform 3D format, it has been considered as the model format for 
AlephOne(an open-source FPS game).

Christopher James Huff
Personal: chr### [at] maccom, http://homepage.mac.com/chrishuff/
TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg, http://tag.povray.org/


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Subject: Re: files
Date: 5 Sep 2000 22:19:07
Message: <39b5a99b@news.povray.org>
The *.3dm file is for rhino 3d its kinda like moray 3d but has more features
and better viewing.

> does anyone know where I can get a file converter for *.3dm to *.pov and
> *.pov to *.3dm

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: files
Date: 5 Sep 2000 22:45:58
Message: <39B5AF85.3EB211D4@pacbell.net>

> The *.3dm file is for rhino 3d its kinda like moray 3d but has more features
> and better viewing.

Unless you have Rhino you are probably out of luck for the
time being. Someday someone will probably write a conversion
utility but I haven't heard of one as of yet.

Ken Tyler - 1400+ POV-Ray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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