POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Multi-machine rendering... Server Time
23 Feb 2025 22:38:07 EST (-0500)
  Multi-machine rendering... (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Fran Firman
Subject: Multi-machine rendering...
Date: 22 Oct 2000 00:03:46
Message: <39F249F2.B8B331A0@email.com>
Initial setup needed...

On the controller (ie server).
Need to have installed.
On the clients 
Need to have installed.
On the Server run ssh-keygen to create a private/public key pair so
that the server can log on to the clients directly automatically.

		(Does some work)
	Asks for a passphrase)
		Enter in no passphrase
	Asks for a file to save the keys in.
		Choose something else other than the default.
		ie test
	ssh-keygen will have created two files
	called (from above) test and test.pub
	copy the test.pub files over to each of the clients to the
	file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
	If the file already exists then append the new public key to
	the end with something like
		cat test.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys

On the server setup a file containing either the ipaddress or names
of the clients to send rendering to.

Now setup all of the files needed to render the animation in a
folder. If possible every file needed including the binary and all
of the called include files. This way there is no need to make sure
that the setup on each of the clients is correct.

Go to a folder above and tar up the folder

	tar -czvf outfiles.tgz animation/

then run the cluster.pl file with some command line options.

1st Parameter
	The name of the file that holds the private auth key for ssh
		eg test
2nd Parameter
	The name of the archive that holds everything
		eg outfiles.tgz
3rd Parameter
	The name of the folder that the files are unpacked to.
		eg animation
4th Parameter
	The number of pieces to break the anim up in to.
	The value is * by the number of clients to give the total
	number of pieces.
		ie if 3 clients, and this parameter is 4 then the
		animation will be broken up into 12 pieces.
		eg 10
5th Parameter
	The number of frames in the animation
		eg 1000

So after the archive is created to setup a render do.

Create the clients file.

run the cluster.pl file

		./cluster.pl test outfiles.tgz animation 10 1000

sit back and watch....

Also the main.sh files is sent over to each of the clients which is
what runs the command on the client...

currently it expects.

	The folder the animation is in (parameter 3 above)
	The program to run with the options (Specified in the
	cluster.pl file directly)
	The name of the client - used to create the output archive
	with the frames, so when copied back to the server, the
	server knows who has finished.
	And the folder where the frames are stored. (Specified in
	the cluster.pl file directly).


BTW - I'm working on a new system to get away from using ssh, and
setup a proper tcp/ip server/client system, useing netcat for the
tcp/ip connections.

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