POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : 3DS2POV for Linux/Unix/DOS Updated Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:08:50 EST (-0500)
  3DS2POV for Linux/Unix/DOS Updated (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Artemia Salina
Subject: 3DS2POV for Linux/Unix/DOS Updated
Date: 30 Apr 2000 03:13:00
Message: <390BD040.2ADB9426@sheayright.com>
I picked up a copy of 3DS2POV.ZIP from http://www.uni-jena.de/~p6sepa/software.htm
today and upgraded it to output POVRay 3.1 compatable files.

According to the source files, this utility was originally written by
Steve Anger and Jeff Bowermaster, and it seems to have last been updated
back in Oct 1993(!).

The modifications I made were pretty minimal. Basically I changed it
to use material{} rather than texture{} to describe the pigments
and finishes, etc., of the converted objects in order to include ior
within an interior{}. I also wrote up a Makefile for the source.

You'll want to get the zip file from the URL above, as it contains
documentation and sample 3DS files, along with the original source code.

To compile and install, just edit the Makefile and make changes to CC
and CFLAGS if needed. Type 'make', and then copy 3ds2pov to a directory
in your path. Read the docs from the zip file (from the URL) for instructions
on using it.

Note: The default was to output POVRay 2.0 compatable files, and the options
still refer to 2.0, but with these modifications the files are actually 3.1
compatable, so ignore the reference to 2.0 compatability mode.

Have fun.

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Download '3ds2pov.tar.gz' (30 KB)

From: Rob Brown-Bayliss
Subject: Re: 3DS2POV for Linux/Unix/DOS Updated
Date: 2 Oct 2001 17:10:26
Message: <3bba2d42@news.povray.org>
In article <390BD040.2ADB9426@sheayright.com>, "Artemia Salina"
<y2k### [at] sheayrightcom> wrote:

> I picked up a copy of 3DS2POV.ZIP from
> http://www.uni-jena.de/~p6sepa/software.htm today and upgraded it to
> output POVRay 3.1 compatable files.

Any chance of posting the whole source as you changed it?   Preferably so
a non programmer like myself can unpack and type make?



  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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