POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Custom Format Graphic Viewer Server Time
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  Custom Format Graphic Viewer (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Wil Hale
Subject: Custom Format Graphic Viewer
Date: 6 Mar 2000 12:51:58
Message: <38c3f03e$1@news.povray.org>
Does anyone know of a tutorial or of some source code i could look at for
creating PSP plugins for viewing custom graphics.  I'm afraid I dont know
the first thing about reading the header (i do have the header to use but my
programming skills are just a bit non existant).  I will need to make it win

Thanks in advance,

Wil Hale
whh### [at] nvlarmymil
"I cant seem to remember to take my Genko."

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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: Custom Format Graphic Viewer
Date: 7 Mar 2000 23:24:27
Message: <38c5d5fb$1@news.povray.org>
Found something about Gimp and PSP:
Not sure it's of any use at all or not (I bet not).
I also have a plugins site bookmarked that might have something worthwhile to
look at (again doubt you can find what you are looking for):


"Wil Hale" <whh### [at] nvlarmymil> wrote in message
| Does anyone know of a tutorial or of some source code i could look at for
| creating PSP plugins for viewing custom graphics.  I'm afraid I dont know
| the first thing about reading the header (i do have the header to use but my
| programming skills are just a bit non existant).  I will need to make it win
| compliant.
| Thanks in advance,
| Wil Hale
| whh### [at] nvlarmymil
| "I cant seem to remember to take my Genko."

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From: Wil Hale
Subject: Re: Custom Format Graphic Viewer
Date: 20 Mar 2000 13:02:09
Message: <38d667a1$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks bob...Will look into it
Bob Hughes <omn### [at] hotmailcom?subject=PoV-News:> wrote in message
> Found something about Gimp and PSP:
> http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e8826423/Gimp/gimp-psp-plugin-11.html
> Not sure it's of any use at all or not (I bet not).
> I also have a plugins site bookmarked that might have something worthwhile
> look at (again doubt you can find what you are looking for):
> http://www.netins.net/showcase/wolf359/plugcust.htm
> Bob
> "Wil Hale" <whh### [at] nvlarmymil> wrote in message
> news:38c3f03e$1@news.povray.org...
> | Does anyone know of a tutorial or of some source code i could look at
> | creating PSP plugins for viewing custom graphics.  I'm afraid I dont
> | the first thing about reading the header (i do have the header to use
but my
> | programming skills are just a bit non existant).  I will need to make it
> | compliant.
> |
> | Thanks in advance,
> |
> | Wil Hale
> | whh### [at] nvlarmymil
> | "I cant seem to remember to take my Genko."
> |
> |

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