POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Re: A triangle modeler in QuickBasic! Server Time
24 Feb 2025 04:34:53 EST (-0500)
  Re: A triangle modeler in QuickBasic! (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Ian Burgmyer
Subject: Re: A triangle modeler in QuickBasic!
Date: 28 Feb 2000 03:39:07
Message: <38ba342b@news.povray.org>
Hey John, if you need any mouse examples, I have plenty over here, which I
modified for three-button support.

If you want, I could post one.  Or two :)

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John VanSickle <van### [at] erolscom> wrote in message
> Yep, I did it.  The attached file is a QBasic file which will enable you
> to crudely edit PCM files.
> Instructions:  Fire up something that runs QuickBasic, and let her rip.
> Commands:  Everything is done through the keyboard.  Leave the number
> lock on and the shift lock off.
> Insert:  Adds a point at the center of the view.
> square brackets:  Moves the focus through the points (if any)
> curly brackets:  Moves the focus through the triangles (if any)
> spacebar:  Toggles the marking of the focus point, or the marking of the
> focus triangle.
> Enter:  If exactly three points are marked, a triangle is made using the
> three points as the corners, and these corners are the unmarked.
> Otherwise the user is prompted for a set of coordinates in x,y,z: The
> focus point is moved to this point.
> +:  If no points are selected, the view zooms in.  If any points are
> selected, the step value increases to the next higher value.  Step
> values can be any power of ten, multiplied by 1, 2, or 5, except that
> the step value cannot be more than one-tenth of the zoom size.
> -:  If no points are selected, the view zooms out.  If any points are
> selected, the step value decreases to the next lower value.
> Arrow keys:  If any points are marked, those points are moved in the
> direction of the arrow by the set step amount.  If no points are marked,
> the viewpoint is moved by the set step amount.  Movement is always up,
> right, left, or down, as seen in the current view.
> x:  Sets the view so that y is up and z is right.
> y:  Sets the view so that z is up and x is right.
> z:  Sets the view so that y is up and x is right.
> 8,6,4,2:  Rotate the view by five degrees, either up, right, left, or
> down.  If your mesh is reasonably small and your machine reasonably
> fast, you can make the mesh spin in real time by holding down these
> keys; kind of surprising for Basic!
> a:  Marks all points.
> Escape:  Unmarks all points.
> s:  The user is asked for a scaling vector.  The marked points are
> scaled accordingly.
> r:  The user is asked for a rotation vector.  The marked points are
> rotated accordingly.
> t:  The user is asked for a translation vector.  The marked points are
> translated accordingly.
> l:  The user is asked for a PCM file name.  That file is loaded and
> the old data is erased.
> w:  The user is asked for a PCM file name.  The currently-loaded data is
> written to that file in PCM format.
> Home:  If the focus is on a triangle, the view zooms to fit around that
> triangle.  If any points are marked, the view zooms to fit those points.
> If no points are marked and there is no triangle in focus, the view is
> zoomed to fit all points.  Note that this does *NOT* alter the rotation
> of the view, so you will be looking along the same vector as before.
> Delete:  If the focus is on a triangle, that triangle is deleted.  If
> the focus is on a point, and that point is not part of any triangle,
> that point is deleted.
> q:  Exits the program.
> WARNING:  This program is not idiot-proof.  There is NO undo, and no
> warning if you are about to overwrite a file.  There are probably a few
> bugs of greater or lesser importance; feel free to drop me an e-mail if
> you come across one.
> This is a very crude program; I intend to use it only to make hulls
> for the SSS.  It is basically one step up from paper and pencil.
> Regards,
> John
> --
> ICQ: 46085459

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From: Ian Burgmyer
Subject: Re: A triangle modeler in QuickBasic!
Date: 28 Feb 2000 03:40:58
Message: <38ba349a$1@news.povray.org>
Oops, sorry.  Didn't mean to repost the QB source with the post :(

This message brought to you by:
-=< Ian (the### [at] hotmailcom >=-

Please visit my site at http://spectere2000.cjb.net! :)

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From: Ian Burgmyer
Subject: Re: A triangle modeler in QuickBasic!
Date: 4 Mar 2000 00:44:15
Message: <38c0a2af@news.povray.org>
John VanSickle <van### [at] erolscom> wrote in message
> Ian Burgmyer wrote:
> >
> > Hey John, if you need any mouse examples, I have plenty over here,
> > which I modified for three-button support.
> No need now.  I'm writing the modeller in Win32 C.  The original was
> in QBasic 1.0, and not QuickBasic.  QBasic has no mouse support.

Not built in, anyway. . .

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-=< Ian (the### [at] hotmailcom >=-

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