POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch? Server Time
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  Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch? (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Dast
Subject: Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch?
Date: 30 Mar 2000 17:22:17
Message: <38E3CD0A.BC30BB68@ra.msstate.edu>
Does anyone know of an object modeller for Linux or BeOS that does
roughly the same thing sPatch does (exporting to povray is a must)? 
I've never been able to find one that comes close to the functionality
and ease of use of sPatch.  Mike Clifton's e-mail address no longer
works, so I can't beg him to port it.
Anyone have suggestions?  I'd even be willing to pay for it (but nothing
over about $100 or so).


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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch?
Date: 31 Mar 2000 01:23:26
Message: <38e4445e@news.povray.org>
List of other graphics aps for Linux:


"Dast" <cfy### [at] ramsstateedu> wrote in message
| Does anyone know of an object modeller for Linux or BeOS that does
| roughly the same thing sPatch does (exporting to povray is a must)?
| I've never been able to find one that comes close to the functionality
| and ease of use of sPatch.  Mike Clifton's e-mail address no longer
| works, so I can't beg him to port it.
| Anyone have suggestions?  I'd even be willing to pay for it (but nothing
| over about $100 or so).
| --Dast

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From: Marc Schimmler
Subject: Re: Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch?
Date: 31 Mar 2000 01:37:19
Message: <38E4479F.3AD2EE31@ica.uni-stuttgart.de>
Dast wrote:
> Does anyone know of an object modeller for Linux or BeOS that does
> roughly the same thing sPatch does (exporting to povray is a must)?
> I've never been able to find one that comes close to the functionality
> and ease of use of sPatch.  Mike Clifton's e-mail address no longer
> works, so I can't beg him to port it.
> Anyone have suggestions?  I'd even be willing to pay for it (but nothing
> over about $100 or so).
> --Dast

I would have recommended 
but the site has for unknown reasons been stripped down :-(
The program is worth to look back at it later.

Marc Schimmler

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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch?
Date: 31 Mar 2000 03:07:31
Message: <YVTkOAF7yzQk0yza0dX6=egtLe4q@4ax.com>
On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 16:54:18 -0500, Dast <cfy### [at] ramsstateedu> wrote:

>Does anyone know of an object modeller for Linux or BeOS that does
>roughly the same thing sPatch does (exporting to povray is a must)? 
>I've never been able to find one that comes close to the functionality
>and ease of use of sPatch.  Mike Clifton's e-mail address no longer
>works, so I can't beg him to port it.
>Anyone have suggestions?  I'd even be willing to pay for it (but nothing
>over about $100 or so).

Try Moonlight Atelier. It's a free NURBS Modeller. It's not Rhino but
it's not $800 either. The link is http://www.moonlight3d.org

Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] usanet
TAG      e-mail : pet### [at] tagpovrayorg

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From: Dast
Subject: Re: Linux or BeOS replacement for sPatch?
Date: 31 Mar 2000 09:22:50
Message: <38E4AE2B.354EC362@ra.msstate.edu>
Marc Schimmler wrote:
> Dast wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know of an object modeller for Linux or BeOS that does
> > roughly the same thing sPatch does 
> I would have recommended
> http://www.moonlight3d.org
> but the site has for unknown reasons been stripped down :-(
> The program is worth to look back at it later.

Thanks for the recommendation.  I tried it out, and it looks like it may
fit the bill (as best as any modeller can come to replacing sPatch ;).

BTW, if anyone is looking for a copy of it, I found a mirror on the
tucows (ugh) Linux site.


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