POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : Perl ttf finder Server Time
24 Feb 2025 04:44:17 EST (-0500)
  Perl ttf finder (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Francois Dispot
Subject: Perl ttf finder
Date: 22 Jan 2000 19:03:14
Message: <388A453D.97BA61BA@club-internet.fr>
Under Linux+XFree+xfstt, finding a nice true type font is not a terrible
thing, but finding the ttf file after the font's name is different. This
small perl script reads the catalogue generated by xfstt and gets the
files corresponding to a given regexp font name pattern. Example:

[francois@wozzeck POV]$ ./findttf.pl "co.*ic"
Search for: co.*ic
          Copperplate Gothic Bold Condense | fonts/tt0424m_.ttf
                     Copperplate Gothic BT | fonts/tt0420m_.ttf
               Copperplate Gothic Heavy BT | fonts/tt0422m_.ttf
                   Copperplate Gothic Bold | fonts/coprgtb.ttf
                  Copperplate Gothic Light | fonts/coprgtl.ttf
                             Comic Sans MS | fonts/comic.ttf
                   Courier New Bold Italic | fonts/courbi.ttf
                        Courier New Italic | fonts/couri.ttf
                        Comic Sans MS Bold | fonts/comicbd.ttf
9 matches found.

It might be possible to adapt this to another ttf font server.


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