POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : making asteroids Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:05:47 EST (-0500)
  making asteroids (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Chuck Roberts
Subject: making asteroids
Date: 6 Aug 1999 11:47:24
Message: <37AB03AE.2E157CF1@accn.org>
Is there a utility to make randomly generated asteroids? Asteroids with
crater marks would be great. A bunch of small "asteroids" could also
serve as rocks on a beach.

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: making asteroids
Date: 7 Aug 1999 23:02:57
Message: <37ACF26C.F60A2F14@pacbell.net>
Chuck Roberts wrote:
> Is there a utility to make randomly generated asteroids? Asteroids with
> crater marks would be great. A bunch of small "asteroids" could also
> serve as rocks on a beach.

Check out this site:

You will need an external conversion program that can convert from .COB
to .Pov. I think that crossroads or wcvt2pov can handle this for you.

Also visit this site for another rock utility with direct pov support:

Ken Tyler

Older   Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/links.htm
Updated Links Page: http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/bkmrk999.htm

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From: Marc Schimmler
Subject: Re: making asteroids
Date: 9 Aug 1999 02:58:11
Message: <37AE7C02.2C3B0C20@ica.uni-stuttgart.de>
Chuck Roberts wrote:
> Is there a utility to make randomly generated asteroids? Asteroids with
> crater marks would be great. A bunch of small "asteroids" could also
> serve as rocks on a beach.

John Beale has a utility that can "wrap" a hf around a sphere together
with the crater tool you get something that looks quite realistic.


Marc Schimmler

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From: Zeger Knaepen
Subject: Re: making asteroids
Date: 11 Aug 1999 13:21:25
Message: <37b1b115@news.povray.org>
I've made a nice crater-pigment that can be used as a spherical heightfield
(using Superpatch)
It's not yet finished, and I can't work on it 'till september. (Going to
France and Spain :-)

I'll let you know when it's finished.


Chuck Roberts heeft geschreven in bericht <37AB03AE.2E157CF1@accn.org>...
>Is there a utility to make randomly generated asteroids? Asteroids with
>crater marks would be great. A bunch of small "asteroids" could also
>serve as rocks on a beach.

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From: TigerHawk
Subject: Re: making asteroids
Date: 11 Aug 1999 22:24:54
Message: <37B383D1.DDAF383@sitc.net>
Thought I haven't finished my picture yet, I've found that using a blob
with a crackle texture map works fairly well.....it comes out rather
smooth and, well, blobish, but if nothing else helps, you might try that.

Tim Soderstrom

Chuck Roberts wrote:

> Is there a utility to make randomly generated asteroids? Asteroids with
> crater marks would be great. A bunch of small "asteroids" could also
> serve as rocks on a beach.

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