POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : converting between Moray and POVRay Server Time
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  converting between Moray and POVRay (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: eric
Subject: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 16 Jul 1999 13:05:41
Message: <378f6665@news.povray.org>
New user to PovRay and Moray, I try finding out how to make Moray read .POV
POVRay files, and how to make PovRay import .MDL Moray files...

I also tried to use 3DWin, which talks about 'POVRay Binary files' or such
things, but I'm still stuck..

Could you help me ?

thanks a lot..

Eric   : ski### [at] hotmailcom

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From: Reinhard Rettelbach
Subject: Re: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 16 Jul 1999 15:38:43
Message: <378F8A43.14AC072F@t-online.de>
eric wrote:
> New user to PovRay and Moray, I try finding out how to make Moray read .POV
> POVRay files, and how to make PovRay import .MDL Moray files...
> I also tried to use 3DWin, which talks about 'POVRay Binary files' or such
> things, but I'm still stuck..
> Could you help me ?
> thanks a lot..
> Eric   : ski### [at] hotmailcom

AFAIK Moray can't read .pov files at all nor Povray can't import .mdl
But Moray exports to .pov, which in turn of course can be read by
povray. ;-)


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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 17 Jul 1999 02:37:56
Message: <3790249D.C3BC4F33@aol.com>
There is a POV-Ray to Moray conversion utility by the author of the
3Dwin converter, although only for older versions. URL:


Check up on the *.pob format at:


however I doubt this would be useful to you (never know though!)

eric wrote:
> New user to PovRay and Moray, I try finding out how to make Moray read .POV
> POVRay files, and how to make PovRay import .MDL Moray files...
> I also tried to use 3DWin, which talks about 'POVRay Binary files' or such
> things, but I'm still stuck..
> Could you help me ?
> thanks a lot..
> Eric   : ski### [at] hotmailcom

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe

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From: Rick
Subject: Re: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 17 Jul 1999 02:52:59
Message: <3790284b@news.povray.org>
Don't forget the essential utility POV2MDL, works only with pov2 script, but
its still very usefull.


Reinhard Rettelbach <rei### [at] t-onlinede> wrote in message
> eric wrote:
> >
> > New user to PovRay and Moray, I try finding out how to make Moray read
> > POVRay files, and how to make PovRay import .MDL Moray files...
> >
> > I also tried to use 3DWin, which talks about 'POVRay Binary files' or
> > things, but I'm still stuck..
> >
> > Could you help me ?
> >
> > thanks a lot..
> >
> > Eric   : ski### [at] hotmailcom
> AFAIK Moray can't read .pov files at all nor Povray can't import .mdl
> files.
> But Moray exports to .pov, which in turn of course can be read by
> povray. ;-)
> ReVerSi

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From: Peter Cracknell
Subject: Re: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 18 Jul 1999 15:56:23
Message: <37923167@news.povray.org>
So how dya export to POV?  Its not in the default export menu within Moray,
do I have to download a plug-in style module to exprt or am I just missing



Reinhard Rettelbach <rei### [at] t-onlinede> wrote in message
| eric wrote:
| >
| > New user to PovRay and Moray, I try finding out how to make Moray read
| > POVRay files, and how to make PovRay import .MDL Moray files...
| >
| > I also tried to use 3DWin, which talks about 'POVRay Binary files' or
| > things, but I'm still stuck..
| >
| > Could you help me ?
| >
| > thanks a lot..
| >
| > Eric   : ski### [at] hotmailcom
| AFAIK Moray can't read .pov files at all nor Povray can't import .mdl
| files.
| But Moray exports to .pov, which in turn of course can be read by
| povray. ;-)
| ReVerSi

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: converting between Moray and POVRay
Date: 18 Jul 1999 16:14:08
Message: <37923505.1C2633B0@pacbell.net>
Peter Cracknell wrote:
> So how dya export to POV?  Its not in the default export menu within Moray,
> do I have to download a plug-in style module to exprt or am I just missing
> something?
> P3TE

Choose Render>Export from Moray's Menu. This will create a .pov and .inc
file in the directory you have selected in the Render Options dialog
("directory for POV files", moray\povscn\ by default).

Ken Tyler

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