POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : [ANNOUNCE] Object Placement Include File v1.007 Server Time
24 Feb 2025 08:34:43 EST (-0500)
  [ANNOUNCE] Object Placement Include File v1.007 (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Mark Wagner
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Object Placement Include File v1.007
Date: 11 Jul 1999 02:36:45
Message: <37883b7d@news.povray.org>
I have just completed an upgrade of my Object Placement Include File.  It
now supports Gaussian distribution of objects as well as normal

It is available at my homepage,


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From: Ken
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Object Placement Include File v1.007
Date: 11 Jul 1999 02:41:31
Message: <37883C42.69AAA27E@pacbell.net>
Mark Wagner wrote:
> I have just completed an upgrade of my Object Placement Include File.  It
> now supports Gaussian distribution of objects as well as normal
> distribution.
> It is available at my homepage,
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Program/9231/
> Mark

For the more than mildly curious what does it do and how does it work ?

Ken Tyler


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From: Mark Wagner
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Object Placement Include File v1.007
Date: 11 Jul 1999 03:44:21
Message: <37884b55@news.povray.org>
Ken wrote in message <37883C42.69AAA27E@pacbell.net>...
>Mark Wagner wrote:
>> I have just completed an upgrade of my Object Placement Include File.  It
>> now supports Gaussian distribution of objects as well as normal
>> distribution.
>> It is available at my homepage,
>> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Program/9231/
>> Mark
>For the more than mildly curious what does it do and how does it work ?
To quote my announcement of the original version:

I have just completed a POV-Ray include file for the POV-Ray SuperPatch that
will do one of the functions of the Genesis Toolkit, namely, place objects
on the surface of a heightfield.  However, the include file can use any
object as the base, not just heightfields, and has some additional options
that the Toolkit does not have.


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