POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : JPovray. A Java interface for POV-Ray's options Server Time
22 Feb 2025 12:14:16 EST (-0500)
  JPovray. A Java interface for POV-Ray's options (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Daniele Di Minica
Subject: JPovray. A Java interface for POV-Ray's options
Date: 19 Mar 1999 05:06:14
Message: <36F22195.41C6@yahoo.com>
If anyone is interested in a multi-platform Java interface for 
POV-Ray's options, please send us an e-mail at

rap### [at] dsiuniroma1it

We have created this simple interface in order to make POV-Ray
easyer to use and we are giving it a GNU public license. So the
program is completely free and any help and/or suggestions is welcome.

Dario-Jacopo Lagana'
Daniele Di Minica

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