POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : TrueType patch! Server Time
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  TrueType patch! (Message 6 to 15 of 15)  
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From: Twyst
Subject: Re: TrueType patch!
Date: 16 Dec 1997 19:06:16
Message: <3497188a.0@news.povray.org>
Denis Olivier wrote in message <349### [at] cyberstationfr>...
>Ken Cecka wrote:
>>  The text object is the only one (to my knowledge) which does
>> not come prefit to a 1x1x1 cube, or require vectors to specify a size.  I
>> haven't looked at the code, so I don't know how difficult it would be,
>> it seems to me that the text object would best be kept in the tradition
>> other pov objects and automatically created in a 1x1x1 cube.
>I totally agree.

Well.. You will then either be faced with "squashed" text, or really tiny
text, for longer strings.

EFnet and NewNet #povray Channel Operator
Website: http://twyst.home.ml.org
E-Mail: twy### [at] v-wavecom

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From: Ken Cecka
Subject: Re: TrueType patch!
Date: 4 Jan 1998 15:15:29
Message: <34affcad.0@news.povray.org>
That's the same thing that happens with a height field in pov, but one you
get your squished object, you know exactly how it is squished, and can scale


Twyst wrote in message <3497188a.0@news.povray.org>...
>Denis Olivier wrote in message <349### [at] cyberstationfr>...
>>Ken Cecka wrote:
>>>  The text object is the only one (to my knowledge) which does
>>> not come prefit to a 1x1x1 cube, or require vectors to specify a size.
>>> haven't looked at the code, so I don't know how difficult it would be,
>>> it seems to me that the text object would best be kept in the tradition
>>> other pov objects and automatically created in a 1x1x1 cube.
>>I totally agree.
>Well.. You will then either be faced with "squashed" text, or really tiny
>text, for longer strings.
>EFnet and NewNet #povray Channel Operator
>Website: http://twyst.home.ml.org
>E-Mail: twy### [at] v-wavecom

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From: Dylan Beattie
Subject: Re: TrueType patch!
Date: 18 Dec 1997 12:56:12
Message: <349963BC.E19802C2@ecs.soton.ac.uk-NOSPAM>
Denis Olivier wrote:
> Ken Cecka wrote:
> >
> >  The text object is the only one (to my knowledge) which does
> > not come prefit to a 1x1x1 cube, or require vectors to specify a size.  I
> > haven't looked at the code, so I don't know how difficult it would be, but
> > it seems to me that the text object would best be kept in the tradition of
> > other pov objects and automatically created in a 1x1x1 cube.
> I totally agree.

Nice idea, but it be just as awkward scaling it from a 1 cube to 'true'
proportions as it is to take the current text and squash it into a cube.
What would be useful would be a function to return the extremes of a
given object, allowing you to scale/translate it accurately according to
the actual dimensions of the object, rather than by trial and error.


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From: Ronald L  Parker
Subject: Re: TrueType patch!
Date: 23 Dec 1997 23:12:30
Message: <34a28b0f.180308021@news.povray.org>
On Thu, 18 Dec 1997 17:56:12 +0000, Dylan Beattie
<dmb### [at] ecssotonacuk-NOSPAM> wrote:

>Denis Olivier wrote:
>> Ken Cecka wrote:
>> >
>> >  The text object is the only one (to my knowledge) which does
>> > not come prefit to a 1x1x1 cube, or require vectors to specify a size.  I
>> > haven't looked at the code, so I don't know how difficult it would be, but
>> > it seems to me that the text object would best be kept in the tradition of
>> > other pov objects and automatically created in a 1x1x1 cube.
>> I totally agree.
>Nice idea, but it be just as awkward scaling it from a 1 cube to 'true'
>proportions as it is to take the current text and squash it into a cube.
>What would be useful would be a function to return the extremes of a
>given object, allowing you to scale/translate it accurately according to
>the actual dimensions of the object, rather than by trial and error.

I knew I had seen this posted somewhere; that's why I went and wrote
it.  I just couldn't find it back when I needed it.  

Ahem.  For all those who agree with Mr. Beattie, your prayers are
answered.  You can find just the patch you need over in
povray.binaries.utilities or on my web page at

A C compiler and POV sources are required. I'll make a Win32 compiled
version available if there's enough interest (in email, please.)

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From: Ronald L  Parker
Subject: Re: TrueType patch!
Date: 23 Dec 1997 23:14:49
Message: <34a38bee.180531021@news.povray.org>
On Wed, 24 Dec 1997 04:12:30 GMT, par### [at] mailfwicom (Ronald L.
Parker) wrote:

>You can find just the patch you need over in
>povray.binaries.utilities or on my web page at

D'oh!  This _is_ povray.binaries.utilities.  Must get sleep.  Or

Mmmm... Caffeine....

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From: David Etter Perere
Subject: DGPAS
Date: 2 Mar 1970 20:37:43
Message: <01bd4644$df75c640$980f8dc3@default>
I've heard about DGPAS  -Dave G's Particle Animation System-
by David Govoni.

Where can I find this utility?

per### [at] infomaniakch

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From: Jim McDonald
Subject: Re: DGPAS
Date: 3 Mar 1998 14:53:19
Message: <34FC5FAF.439@canuck.com>
David Etter Perere wrote:
> I've heard about DGPAS  -Dave G's Particle Animation System-
> by David Govoni.
> Where can I find this utility?
> per### [at] infomaniakch

Here's his E-Address, I don't have his homepage anymore....
dav### [at] sympaticoca

Have a good day!

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From: Paul Gregory
Subject: Re: DGPAS
Date: 4 Mar 1998 07:49:33
Message: <34fd4dca.8402101@news.povray.org>
On Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:53:19 -0700, Jim McDonald <jim### [at] canuckcom>

>David Etter Perere wrote:
>> I've heard about DGPAS  -Dave G's Particle Animation System-
>> by David Govoni.
>> Where can I find this utility?
>> per### [at] infomaniakch
>Here's his E-Address, I don't have his homepage anymore....
>dav### [at] sympaticoca
>Have a good day!




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From: David Etter Perere
Subject: Re: DGPAS
Date: 5 Mar 1970 00:05:02
Message: <01bd47f4$06c7ed80$LocalHost@default>

> Try
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/3378/
> PaulG

That'it, Thanks.

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From: David Etter Perere
Subject: Re: DGPAS
Date: 5 Mar 1970 00:07:26
Message: <01bd47f4$801b3160$LocalHost@default>

> Try
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/3378/
> PaulG

That's it, thanks.

 per### [at] infomaniakch

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