one more idiosyncrasy on glow{}
place cursor on glow, and hit F1,
even if you rename megapov.chm
to povray36.chm = F1 doesnt help you.
use the search tab, search glow, it's under effects.
motion_blur is found with F1.
there is no help entry on stereo. not quite on your own tho.
#declare _stereo_ = 0; //makes L/R frames
// drop composite.exe in file dir and RUN *3d.ini, not this file
#declare stereo_movie = 0; // set to 1 and RUN *3d_mov.ini
#include "stereo_equip.inc" // edit BATCH FILE maker filenames
camera {
#if (_stereo_)
zeroparallax 90
eyeseparation 1
Post_Frame_Command="composite -stereo %sR.png %sL.png %sA.png"
; Post_Scene_Command="composite -stereo %sR.png %sL.png %sA.png"
(but as of win7 .bat file needs admin priv I suspect)
help files don't compress much
Error: Attachment was too big. Allowed are only up to 5120000 bytes!
it was only 4,222,000 - get it on your own.
example glow
#macro charge(p,col,scl)
glow { type 0 // type 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
location p
color rgb col
size scl
fade_power 2.5
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