POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.utilities : bones.inc : Re: bones.inc Server Time
8 Nov 2024 10:46:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: bones.inc  
From: Grassblade
Date: 3 Jun 2010 17:00:01
Message: <web.4c0817283d79b9fae0e44a840@news.povray.org>
"robotguy" <ske### [at] magicalroboticscom> wrote:
> bones.inc allows the user to declare bones, connect them into skeletons, dress
> them up by attaching POV objects to bones (objects like blobs can even be
> connected to multiple bones), declare skeleton poses and interpolate between
> poses to produce movement - basically full 3d character animation in POVray.
> bones.zip contains bones.inc, full documentation in a readme file, two example
> files which use bones.inc, and the GNU licenses.  Enjoy.

Wow thanks! I have been thinking for a couple of years to investigate how to
make a skeleton system in POV and this solves the problem elegantly. I haven't
had time to read everything but it looks very promising. Thanks for sharing. :-)

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