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  Check(er) Your Gamma (Message 21 to 24 of 24)  
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From: SharkD
Subject: Re: Check(er) Your Gamma
Date: 6 Nov 2009 09:48:05
Message: <4af43725$1@news.povray.org>
On 11/6/2009 12:49 AM, clipka wrote:
> I'd recommend to just skip the brightness and contrast stuff (you should
> have done that already when calibrating the display), and just do the
> eyes-squinting part and following.

Except that now I'm confused and can't remember *which* eye-squinting 
instructions I'm supposed to follow...

Is there no tool where I can just click a button and say, "Fix my gamma!"?


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From: Ive
Subject: Re: Check(er) Your Gamma
Date: 6 Nov 2009 09:54:46
Message: <4af438b6@news.povray.org>
clipka wrote:
> To counterbalance it a bit: It does have flaws :-P What bothers me most 
> is that whenever I re-render any image file in whatever directory IC is 
> presently in, any subsequent attempt to skip to the next or previous 
> image - or even just choose "reopen image" - makes it jump to the first 
> image in the directory instead, which I think makes that "reopen image" 
> business pretty much pointless... (using version 1.0.10 here)

Good to know, guess I messed things up when wrapping OS specific 
functionality (like directory monitoring) to prepare for a future 
cross-platform GUI. IC is in fact just the graphical front-end for a 
professional image processing library and as such basically just a hobby 
of mine and I have quite limited time for testing it. So I'm quite 
thankful for all feedback from users, especially about things that do 
not work as expected.

> (I wonder why nobody ever bothered to add a "dither" switch to 
> POV-Ray... or did I miss something?)

I *think* there was once a dither option for color palette based image 
file formats like GIF ;)


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Check(er) Your Gamma
Date: 6 Nov 2009 17:55:31
Message: <4af4a963$1@news.povray.org>
SharkD schrieb:
> On 11/6/2009 12:49 AM, clipka wrote:
>> I'd recommend to just skip the brightness and contrast stuff (you should
>> have done that already when calibrating the display), and just do the
>> eyes-squinting part and following.
> Except that now I'm confused and can't remember *which* eye-squinting 
> instructions I'm supposed to follow...
> Is there no tool where I can just click a button and say, "Fix my gamma!"?

I wish there was. However, as far as POV-Ray is concerned, the next beta 
should provide proper gamma handling almost "out of the box".

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Check(er) Your Gamma
Date: 11 Jan 2010 10:57:46
Message: <4b4b4a7a@news.povray.org>
Following this test, to all who find my images washed out, I am glad to say 
that my hardware and software are properly calibrated  :-)

Thanks Cristoph.


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