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From: Stefan Viljoen
Subject: UV Mapping tutorial for Blender / Poseray / Pov?
Date: 18 Feb 2005 01:01:04
Message: <4215849f@news.povray.org>
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Hi guys
I'm pulling my hair out to do UVmapped textures with Pov. I've got Gilles
Tran's tut, but I'm too stupid to get it working - I also don't have Poser.
Anybody know of a URL to a simple, newbie oriented tut that maybe refers to
using GPL tools only (maybe Blender and / or Wings, Poseray) to do UV
mapping with Pov? I've got UVMapper as well.
So far I have succeeded in UVmapping a simple cube, but anything more
complex eludes me. Blender seems to have powerful facilties for this, and
I've figured out a simple workflow to use it to UVmap to Pov (via Poseray)
but I can't seem to get anything but a cube working...
The Blender UV tuts of course don't refer to Pov at all - and my improvised
workflow only seems to do cubes or simple cube like shapes (via Poseray).
Any pointers or URL's? All available stuff I've googled for seem to refer to
using commercial apps, or only one app (like the Blender tutorials) but
very little about using these programs' to get UVmapping in POV.
Stefan Viljoen
Software Support Technician
Polar Design Solutions
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Stefan Viljoen wrote:
> Hi guys
> I'm pulling my hair out to do UVmapped textures with Pov. I've got Gilles
> Tran's tut, but I'm too stupid to get it working - I also don't have Poser.
> Anybody know of a URL to a simple, newbie oriented tut that maybe refers to
> using GPL tools only (maybe Blender and / or Wings, Poseray) to do UV
> mapping with Pov? I've got UVMapper as well.
> So far I have succeeded in UVmapping a simple cube, but anything more
> complex eludes me. Blender seems to have powerful facilties for this, and
> I've figured out a simple workflow to use it to UVmap to Pov (via Poseray)
> but I can't seem to get anything but a cube working...
> The Blender UV tuts of course don't refer to Pov at all - and my improvised
> workflow only seems to do cubes or simple cube like shapes (via Poseray).
> Any pointers or URL's? All available stuff I've googled for seem to refer to
> using commercial apps, or only one app (like the Blender tutorials) but
> very little about using these programs' to get UVmapping in POV.
> Thanks!!
The easiest way when I started out was to create 1st a simple square
image. I labeled the bottom edge U and the left edge V and added some
arrows from the lower left corner along the edges to indicate the
direction of increasing U and V.
In UVmapper I remapped several models and applied this image as a map to
see how it wrapped around.
In PoseRay I can do that easily and you can do simple uv mapping
(planar, cylindrical, spherical and cube) but if you want power on each
vertex UVmapper is better in creating UV coordinates.
The PoseRay manual has simple previews of what each uv mapping looks like.
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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: UV Mapping tutorial for Blender / Poseray / Pov?
Date: 18 Feb 2005 01:44:01
Message: <42158eb1$1@news.povray.org>
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Stefan Viljoen wrote:
> Hi guys
> I'm pulling my hair out to do UVmapped textures with Pov. I've got Gilles
> Tran's tut, but I'm too stupid to get it working - I also don't have Poser.
> Anybody know of a URL to a simple, newbie oriented tut that maybe refers to
> using GPL tools only (maybe Blender and / or Wings, Poseray) to do UV
> mapping with Pov? I've got UVMapper as well.
> So far I have succeeded in UVmapping a simple cube, but anything more
> complex eludes me. Blender seems to have powerful facilties for this, and
> I've figured out a simple workflow to use it to UVmap to Pov (via Poseray)
> but I can't seem to get anything but a cube working...
> The Blender UV tuts of course don't refer to Pov at all - and my improvised
> workflow only seems to do cubes or simple cube like shapes (via Poseray).
> Any pointers or URL's? All available stuff I've googled for seem to refer to
> using commercial apps, or only one app (like the Blender tutorials) but
> very little about using these programs' to get UVmapping in POV.
I have yet to see anything too useful out there, though it has been
awhile since the last time I looked. I think it is important to realize
that there is no magic bullet. Also note that how you project the
vertices to produce an effctive UV template varies for each model AND it
is just half the battle. Using that template to produce a texture is
the other half of the art. Have you read Leigh Van Der Byl's texture
forum over on CGTalk? It's a good starting point and also there are
some tut list there afaik. But surely you have? She's one of your own!
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