POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : can I get help here? Server Time
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  can I get help here? (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: AArDvarK
Subject: can I get help here?
Date: 6 Mar 2003 02:04:52
Message: <3e66f314$1@news.povray.org>
Is this a group I can ask for tech-help in?

I am using:

PoseRay 2.6.6 (as new at it)
POVray 3.5 (as new at it)
megaPOV 1.0 (as new at it)
Truespace 5.1 (not good at it yet)
Photoshop 6/7 
other 2d apps 

I would like to get a realistic (descent) render
from a Poseray .POV export, but I cannot...


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From: ingo
Subject: Re: can I get help here?
Date: 6 Mar 2003 10:56:36
Message: <Xns9336ACBA2DF95seed7@povray.org>
in news:3e66f314$1@news.povray.org AArDvarK wrote:

> Is this a group I can ask for tech-help in?

Not realy, read the group povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions there 
is a posting by Ken in it that explains it all.
> I would like to get a realistic (descent) render
> from a Poseray .POV export, but I cannot...

Altough it does not use the same tools you have, have a look at this:



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From: AArDvarK
Subject: Re: can I get help here?
Date: 7 Mar 2003 00:23:54
Message: <3e682cea@news.povray.org>
Thank you Ingo, I like that page.

"ingo" <ing### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote in message news:Xns### [at] povrayorg...
| in news:3e66f314$1@news.povray.org AArDvarK wrote:
| > Is this a group I can ask for tech-help in?
| Not realy, read the group povray.announce.frequently-asked-questions there 
| is a posting by Ken in it that explains it all.
| > I would like to get a realistic (descent) render
| > from a Poseray .POV export, but I cannot...
| > 
| Altough it does not use the same tools you have, have a look at this:
| http://www.oyonale.com/ressources/english/tutuv.htm
| Ingo

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From: Txemi Jendrix
Subject: RE: can I get help here?
Date: 7 Mar 2003 12:34:24
Message: <3e68d820@news.povray.org>

> Is this a group I can ask for tech-help in?
> I am using:
> Poser4.03
> PoseRay 2.6.6 (as new at it)
> POVray 3.5 (as new at it)
> megaPOV 1.0 (as new at it)
> Truespace 5.1 (not good at it yet)
> Photoshop 6/7
> other 2d apps
> I would like to get a realistic (descent) render
> from a Poseray .POV export, but I cannot...

Hi Alex.
There is no much traffic in this group, but I also use
Poser, Pov and Poseray.
I can't get any clue about your problem from your post.
Can you tell me what warnings give you Povray when you
try to render, perhaps something related to image maps?.
Try to be more precisse and maybe we could help you.

Txemi Jendrix

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From: AArDvarK
Subject: Re: can I get help here?
Date: 7 Mar 2003 16:36:00
Message: <3e6910c0$1@news.povray.org>
Thank you, I will re-set it up and post an image of
the problem in here, by tomorrow.


"Txemi Jendrix" <tji### [at] euskalnetnet> wrote in message news:3e68d820@news.povray.org...
| AArDvarK <cravdraa@yahoo*spamless*.com> escribis en el mensaje de noticias
| 3e66f314$1@news.povray.org...
| > Is this a group I can ask for tech-help in?
| >
| > I am using:
| >
| > Poser4.03
| > PoseRay 2.6.6 (as new at it)
| > POVray 3.5 (as new at it)
| > megaPOV 1.0 (as new at it)
| > Truespace 5.1 (not good at it yet)
| > Photoshop 6/7
| > other 2d apps
| >
| > I would like to get a realistic (descent) render
| > from a Poseray .POV export, but I cannot...
| Hi Alex.
| There is no much traffic in this group, but I also use
| Poser, Pov and Poseray.
| I can't get any clue about your problem from your post.
| Can you tell me what warnings give you Povray when you
| try to render, perhaps something related to image maps?.
| Try to be more precisse and maybe we could help you.
| Bye
| Txemi Jendrix
| http://www.txemijendrix.com

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From: Ken
Subject: Re: can I get help here?
Date: 7 Mar 2003 21:33:32
Message: <3E695724.DCBF10BA@pacbell.net>
AArDvarK wrote:
> Thank you, I will re-set it up and post an image of
> the problem in here, by tomorrow.

If you post an image please do so in povray.binaries.images. This group
is explicitly for binary tutorials and is not supposed to be used for
posting of images or general text based discussions on using the program.

Please read the info I've provided for our new visitors here -


Ken Tyler - POV-Ray TAG

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