"Mymy Go" <mym### [at] wanadoofr> wrote in message
> I only need to program from a to z a tree on Pov Ray and I would like
> to use macros or programs form the others.....only a "manual"
> Do you have any helps for me?
Maybe some clarification is needed here, I didn't understand your question
exactly. Do you want to learn how to script one of your own? Or to use an
include file which creates trees for use in POV-Ray. I ask that because when
you said the word "programs", to me, that sounds like you didn't want to use
ready-made include files. So, a tutorial about how to go about this would be
what you want I guess. I don't know of one myself. However...
A complicated (to me) how-to see this:
If not a tutorial, but program to input variables and get output then maybe
check here: http://showcase.netins.net/web/wolf359/gra_3d.htm
Someone might see and answer your question better from povray.general, you
happened to ask this in a binaries group which is only for posting tutorial
bob h
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