POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Where are my lights???? Server Time
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  Where are my lights???? (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Dave Helfrich
Subject: Where are my lights????
Date: 8 Apr 1999 23:42:52
Message: <370d692c.0@news.povray.org>
Hi everyone!  I've been working on a scene and I'm having some trouble with
some cylindrical lights I have in there.  In a nutshell, the scene thus far
is a top view of a floor (made of nested discs), surrounded by a moat-like
stone ring.  The bottom of the ring is at -3 along the y axis.  I have 6
cylinder lights all starting at <0, 0, 82> and rotated to the places I want
them.  The problem is that they don't light anything unless I make them
shadowless.  I'm including 2 images... the first one rendered without the
shadowless lights, the second with them.  I'm guessing that they're not
lighting anything because there's something blocking them and casting a
shadow.  I tried using the "no_shadow" option on the objects around the
lights, but it didn't help.  What's wrong?  I'm also attaching the source.

I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me.


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From: Bob Hughes
Subject: Re: Where are my lights????
Date: 9 Apr 1999 01:12:33
Message: <370D7E03.31BB938A@aol.com>
Try changing all your point_at 50*y to -50*y to direct them downward
instead. They still behave like spotlights, that is, they point in one
direction; not endless cylinders going in both directions. I first
thought they did myself.
I didn't try your script out, though I believe that is the answer.

Dave Helfrich wrote:
> Hi everyone!  I've been working on a scene and I'm having some trouble with
> some cylindrical lights I have in there.  In a nutshell, the scene thus far
> is a top view of a floor (made of nested discs), surrounded by a moat-like
> stone ring.  The bottom of the ring is at -3 along the y axis.  I have 6
> cylinder lights all starting at <0, 0, 82> and rotated to the places I want
> them.  The problem is that they don't light anything unless I make them
> shadowless.  I'm including 2 images... the first one rendered without the
> shadowless lights, the second with them.  I'm guessing that they're not
> lighting anything because there's something blocking them and casting a
> shadow.  I tried using the "no_shadow" option on the objects around the
> lights, but it didn't help.  What's wrong?  I'm also attaching the source.
> I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me.
> Thanks!
> Dave.
>  [Image]
>  [Image]
> // Textures
> // I'm using a staggared radial texture for the floor.  Here's the
> // basic texture... It will be phased later to get the circular-checkered
> // effect.  Kind of like the floor on the stage of this year's Academy Awards, but
not exactly.
> #declare rad =
> pigment {
>         radial
>         color_map {
>                 [0.5 color rgb 1.0]
>                 [0.5 color rgb 0.0]
>         }
>         frequency 10
> }
> // here is the texture of the rings that will surround the floor
> // and contain the fountains, and for all the other stone in the scene as well.
> #declare stonetexture =
> texture {
>         pigment {
>                 color rgb 0.5
>         }
>         normal {granite 1}
> }
> // Lights... camera... ...ray trace!
> light_source {
>         <0, 1000, 0>
>         color rgb 0.5//<0.17, 0.17, 0.2>
>         media_attenuation off
>         media_interaction off
>         shadowless // this is always shadowless.  just to help illuminate things
while I try
>                    // to figure out why the cylinder lights don't light
> }
> // these are the cylindrical lights
> light_source { // #1
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <2.00, 0.50, 0.50>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 47
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 270, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> light_source { //#2
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <2.00, 1.00, 0.50>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 47
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 306, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> light_source { //#3
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <2.00, 2.00, 0.50>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 47
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 342, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> light_source { //#4
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <0.50, 2.00, 0.50>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 60
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 18, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> light_source { //#5
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <0.50, 0.50, 2.00>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 47
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 54, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> light_source { //#6
>         <0, 0, 82>
>         color rgb <2.00, 0.50, 2.00>
>         cylinder
>         radius 45
>         falloff 47
>         tightness 100
>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>         rotate <0, 90, 0>
>         media_interaction on
>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
> }
> camera {
>         location <0, 200, 0>
>         look_at <0, 0, 0>
> }
> // Every scene needs some objects.
> // I've never used discs before.. but layering concentric rings
> // was the only way I could think of to get the pattern I wanted.
> // The discs have the "rad" pattern, one half phase off from each other.
> disc { // White circle in the center
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 5
>         pigment {color rgb 1}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 10, 5
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 15, 10
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 20, 15
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 25, 20
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 30, 25
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 35, 30
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 40, 35
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 45, 40
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 50, 45
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 55, 50
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 60, 55
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 65, 60
>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
> }
> disc {
>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 70, 65
>         pigment {rad}
> }
> // this large ring immediately surrounds the floor
> difference {
>         cylinder {
>                 <0, -3, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 72
>         }
>         cylinder {
>                 <0, -3.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, 70
>         }
>         texture {stonetexture}
> }
> // this outer ring will surround the floor, and the several mini-rings that will
hold the fountains.
> difference {
>         cylinder {
>                 <0, -3, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 94
>         }
>         cylinder {
>                 <0, -3.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, 92
>         }
>         texture {stonetexture}
> }
> // Here's the ground that will surround the floor.  I cut out the area where
> // the floor and rings are so you don't see grass (or this really bad
> // aproximation of grass) in the bottom.
> difference {
>         plane {
>                 y, -0.5
>                 texture {
>                         pigment {
>                                 color rgb <0.25, 1.00, 0.25>
>                         }
>                         normal {
>                                 average
>                                 normal_map {         // just arbitary trial & error
numbers to not
>                                         [granite 2]  // have too smooth of a ground
>                                         [bumps 1]
>                                         [dents 2]
>                                         [crackle 1]
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 }
>                 hollow
>         }
>         cylinder {
>                 <0, -3.00001, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 94
>                 texture {
>                         pigment {
>                                 color rgb 0.50
>                         }
>                         normal {
>                                 average
>                                 normal_map {
>                                         [granite 2]  // more arbitrary trial & error
valuse to make
>                                         [crackle 2]  // the inside of the pools not
be smooth
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 }
>          hollow
>          no_shadow
>         }
>         hollow on
> }

 omniVERSE: beyond the universe
 mailto:inv### [at] aolcom?Subject=PoV-News

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From: Dave Helfrich
Subject: Re: Where are my lights????
Date: 9 Apr 1999 23:50:54
Message: <370ebc8e.0@news.povray.org>
Actually I want them to point up... in the original version of this scene
there are more objects that they should be shining on.  When I realized they
weren't shining on anything, I began commenting out things one by one to try
to find out what was blocking the lights.  I copied the "un-commented" code
into a new file to post.  Otherwise I'd have sent in a .pov file with
something like 500 lines commented out -- more than half.  I will try your
suggestion though, and see if it makes any difference.  If it does, then at
least it'll be a starting point.

Thanks a lot.


Bob Hughes wrote in message <370D7E03.31BB938A@aol.com>...
>Try changing all your point_at 50*y to -50*y to direct them downward
>instead. They still behave like spotlights, that is, they point in one
>direction; not endless cylinders going in both directions. I first
>thought they did myself.
>I didn't try your script out, though I believe that is the answer.

>>  [Image]
>>  [Image]
>> // Textures
>> // I'm using a staggared radial texture for the floor.  Here's the
>> // basic texture... It will be phased later to get the circular-checkered
>> // effect.  Kind of like the floor on the stage of this year's Academy
Awards, but not exactly.
>> #declare rad =
>> pigment {
>>         radial
>>         color_map {
>>                 [0.5 color rgb 1.0]
>>                 [0.5 color rgb 0.0]
>>         }
>>         frequency 10
>> }
>> // here is the texture of the rings that will surround the floor
>> // and contain the fountains, and for all the other stone in the scene as
>> #declare stonetexture =
>> texture {
>>         pigment {
>>                 color rgb 0.5
>>         }
>>         normal {granite 1}
>> }
>> // Lights... camera... ...ray trace!
>> light_source {
>>         <0, 1000, 0>
>>         color rgb 0.5//<0.17, 0.17, 0.2>
>>         media_attenuation off
>>         media_interaction off
>>         shadowless // this is always shadowless.  just to help illuminate
things while I try
>>                    // to figure out why the cylinder lights don't light
>> }
>> // these are the cylindrical lights
>> light_source { // #1
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <2.00, 0.50, 0.50>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 47
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 270, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> light_source { //#2
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <2.00, 1.00, 0.50>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 47
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 306, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> light_source { //#3
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <2.00, 2.00, 0.50>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 47
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 342, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> light_source { //#4
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <0.50, 2.00, 0.50>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 60
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 18, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> light_source { //#5
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <0.50, 0.50, 2.00>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 47
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 54, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> light_source { //#6
>>         <0, 0, 82>
>>         color rgb <2.00, 0.50, 2.00>
>>         cylinder
>>         radius 45
>>         falloff 47
>>         tightness 100
>>         point_at <0, 50, 82>
>>         rotate <0, 90, 0>
>>         media_interaction on
>>         shadowless //made this shadowless for test run
>> }
>> camera {
>>         location <0, 200, 0>
>>         look_at <0, 0, 0>
>> }
>> // Every scene needs some objects.
>> // I've never used discs before.. but layering concentric rings
>> // was the only way I could think of to get the pattern I wanted.
>> // The discs have the "rad" pattern, one half phase off from each other.
>> disc { // White circle in the center
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 5
>>         pigment {color rgb 1}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 10, 5
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 15, 10
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 20, 15
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 25, 20
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 30, 25
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 35, 30
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 40, 35
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 45, 40
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 50, 45
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 55, 50
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 60, 55
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 65, 60
>>         pigment {rad phase 0.5}
>> }
>> disc {
>>         <0, 0, 0>, y, 70, 65
>>         pigment {rad}
>> }
>> // this large ring immediately surrounds the floor
>> difference {
>>         cylinder {
>>                 <0, -3, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 72
>>         }
>>         cylinder {
>>                 <0, -3.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, 70
>>         }
>>         texture {stonetexture}
>> }
>> // this outer ring will surround the floor, and the several mini-rings
that will hold the fountains.
>> difference {
>>         cylinder {
>>                 <0, -3, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 94
>>         }
>>         cylinder {
>>                 <0, -3.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, 92
>>         }
>>         texture {stonetexture}
>> }
>> // Here's the ground that will surround the floor.  I cut out the area
>> // the floor and rings are so you don't see grass (or this really bad
>> // aproximation of grass) in the bottom.
>> difference {
>>         plane {
>>                 y, -0.5
>>                 texture {
>>                         pigment {
>>                                 color rgb <0.25, 1.00, 0.25>
>>                         }
>>                         normal {
>>                                 average
>>                                 normal_map {         // just arbitary
trial & error numbers to not
>>                                         [granite 2]  // have too smooth
of a ground
>>                                         [bumps 1]
>>                                         [dents 2]
>>                                         [crackle 1]
>>                                 }
>>                         }
>>                 }
>>                 hollow
>>         }
>>         cylinder {
>>                 <0, -3.00001, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 94
>>                 texture {
>>                         pigment {
>>                                 color rgb 0.50
>>                         }
>>                         normal {
>>                                 average
>>                                 normal_map {
>>                                         [granite 2]  // more arbitrary
trial & error valuse to make
>>                                         [crackle 2]  // the inside of the
pools not be smooth
>>                                 }
>>                         }
>>                 }
>>          hollow
>>          no_shadow
>>         }
>>         hollow on
>> }
> omniVERSE: beyond the universe
>  http://members.aol.com/inversez/homepage.htm
> mailto:inv### [at] aolcom?Subject=PoV-News

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