POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Any Ideas? Server Time
21 Dec 2024 22:14:45 EST (-0500)
  Any Ideas? (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Dave
Subject: Any Ideas?
Date: 18 Nov 1998 17:19:05
Message: <365347d9.0@news.povray.org>
Hi all.
Does anyone out there have any ideas on how I might model a christmas
stocking?  (in 3.1)  I was thinking on making one out of blobs, but I'm not
very proficient with them...  I never seem to get the result I expect, and
less often the result I want...  Any other ideas?  (And I'll settle for any
type stocking.. the modern shaped kind or the kind that look like real
socks.  I'm not picky <G>)



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From: Blake Ranolph
Subject: Re: Any Ideas?
Date: 21 May 1999 05:16:14
Message: <374517E0.2996EB2C@verio.com>
Dave wrote:
> Hi all.
> Does anyone out there have any ideas on how I might model a christmas
> stocking?  (in 3.1)  I was thinking on making one out of blobs, but I'm not
> very proficient with them...  I never seem to get the result I expect, and
> less often the result I want...  Any other ideas?  (And I'll settle for any
> type stocking.. the modern shaped kind or the kind that look like real
> socks.  I'm not picky <G>)
> Thanks!
> Ciao!
> DH

Maybe out of simple objects but (with sufficient lighting) you could
apply normals to make a less-euphoric look to it.  =]

oo o  o   (   (  ( (=-- inf### [at] veriocom --=) )  )   )   o  o oo

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